What People Are Commenting
Bono, Padre Pio & Juanita Castro
U2 and the Pope
In regards to the picture of Pope John Paul II wearing Bono's glasses; your web page comments, "Doubtless, it was also a way to de-sacralize the role of Supreme Pontiff with which he appeared to be invested."
I feel sorry for you. I pray that you may one day understand reaching out in relationship to the sinner (which is all of us).
Padre Pio Movie
I am in agreement with your reader "M.C." who feels something is not quite right with the movie Padre Pio Miracle Man. While providing cinematic entertainment, as evidenced by reviews on websites, the movie is much too fictionalized, and even in parts scandalous. In fact, the National Centre for Padre Pio, in Barto PA., refuses to sell the movie in their extensive Padre Pio gift shop.
Movies and stories which mix fact with fiction about Padre Pio are not desirable, because it is important to retain accurate memories of his life and work. He is a critical link for Catholics today who wish to remain loyal to the spirituality of the Traditional Church. His deep reverence for the Eucharistic sacrifice, and the many hours he spent each day hearing confessions, are just two of the many reasons why his example is sorely needed by those exposed to today's watered-down Vatican II version of Catholicism. His star will shine even brighter once the loyal faithful overthrow the Council and restore the Church to its splendor.
Frank Rega (author of Padre Pio and America).
Anglicans Entering the Church
Pope establishes structure for Anglicans uniting with Rome (excerpt from 10/20/09 news story):
Asked about the entrance of groups of former Anglicans into the Catholic Church, Cardinal Kasper said, "We are not fishing in the Anglican lake; proselytism is not the policy of the Catholic Church. But if there are people who, obeying their consciences, want to become Catholic, we cannot shut the door."
The Gospels of Mark & Matthew (excerpt from The Holy Bible):
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." And he saith unto them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Contrary to Card. Kasper, I believe Proselytism is a very convenient word.
Castro's Sister against Fidel and Raul
Orlando's Bishop Thomas Wenski's article Love, Not Politics, Can Help Change Cuba expresses the post-conciliar Church's wrong position toward Communism in general, and of the Castro Brother's Red Cuba in particular.
Principle: Evil has no rights...
Communism is intrinsically evil.
Therefore, Communism has no rights
Sadly, neither Bishop Wenski, nor the post-Vatican II popes had the benefit of reading the just released, Fidel and Raul, My Brothers. The Secret History by Juanita Castro, their critical anti-Communist sister.
We salute Juanita Castro and her great service to America.
We pray that Cuba's 50 years of Communism end this year!
In Christ the King,
Arthur L. Denchfield
Red Ribbon Week
Hello Fellow Warriors,
I teach in public school and this week is Red Ribbon Week.
Isn't this the same time that the Soviets spend a week wearing red and celebrating the Communist State? (I'm not being ironic, I know the revolution happened in October but, I really am not sure about the celebration.) If so, are we slowly getting our children used to that Commie tradition so that in a few years we can have a unified celebration? I think so, maybe.
All the best to you,
Great Site
WOW ! What a website. It's devastating.
God help those who are asleep.
Fr. P.S.L
AngelQueen Lacks Charity
Looking over some of the letters [here and here] and articles [here and here] you've published concerning Angelqueen, I'm not at all surprised to learn that the moderators there have, in the past, attacked you unjustly. I'm afraid this sort of behavior seems habitual in them.
But particularly amusing to me is the suggestion Mr. Grasmeier once made to Tradition in Action that traditional Catholics ought to show charity to, and edify one another.
On Angelqueen I recently commented to the effect that a confirmation ceremony that was performed according to traditional liturgical books by the Archdiocese of Chicago was little to rejoice about, since allowing the traditional administration of this sacrament, while harboring numerous doctrinal errors, is, in the end, an empty gesture.
The response from the one of the moderators (not Mr. Grasmeier) was to abuse me verbally and to insult me.
Whatever the merits of certain members of Angelqueen, the moderators are certainly immature and fail to practice what they preach.
Our Lady of Confidence
Please can you help me, I would like to purchase My mother, my confidence prayer cards, medals etc.
I live in Manchester, England.
Look forward to hearing from you.
TIA responds:
We have the picture you request here. It is in color and post card size. They are 50 cents each.
The Sisters of the Passion and Cross make embroidered cloth medallions of Our Lady of Confidence as well as a prayer card. Their address is PO Box 3904, Boardman, OH 44513-3904. We do not know of any store that carries medals of Our Lady of Confidence.
TIA correspondence desk
Altar Stone
I was talking to Fr. Connor at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Fallon, Nevada, about the Baltimore Catechism. I believed I had read that if there was no altar stone, there was no Mass. Am I right and in which edition was it in? I use to have many of them but now I have none. People seem to feel they are free for the taking. I have a traditional Chapel on my property. If you have a copy or set I will purchase it.
Your Brother in Christ
TIA responds:
We are sorry,we do not carry the Baltimore Catechism. However, you may find it at Catholic Treasures (626-359-4893) or at Mother of Our Savior (812-967-2541).
TIA correspondence desk
Posted November 17, 2009

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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