What People Are Commenting
Modern Nuns, Global Warming & Fr. Ramiere
Wacky Ball Nuns
Dear TIA,
Just saw the Wacky Ball "Nuns", and after viewing such unorthodox, idiotic, reprehensible behavior for the last several decades, there almost seems as though there can be no more tears that can be shed from either sadness, or laughter, over such behavior.
We would never have believed that a time would come amongst the "religious" of our Church. How, and why do they continue to get away with such scandal? Humanity is undergoing a test that has probably been overdue for some time.
When one is not with God, they are against Him, and will self-destruct on their own initiative. Let us hope this evolves quickly, for the benefit of the Church, our children, and the world.
St. Benedict, pray for us!

Abortion and Global Warming
Dear TIA,
It seems that now, so-called "global warming" is being used as an excuse to abort (murder) children. The latest euphemism for abortion is "lowering one's carbon footprint"! The article at this link is particularly interesting because in the bizarre logic of these "saints" of environmentalism, abortion and self-sterilization are forms of sacrifice and selflessness to be applauded!
So the most selfish and horrendous actions are now virtues, and marriage is simply for the gratification of man and wife. The Devil always lies perfectly.
May Our Lord preserve us, and Our Lady's Reign come soon!

Bad Fruits of Hinduism
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your correspondent BG tells us that Hinduism is a "superior" religion. Some Catholic priests and nuns in India, especially those involved in inculturation, tell us that Hinduism is a "higher" religion.
Whether superior or higher, the fruits of Hinduism are hard to discern in India. There is an absence of order and neither charity nor courtesy, and generally hardly any consideration for one's neighbor.
From the very late 19th onwards, the local peoples in Africa began discarding their animistic practices and adopting either Christianity or Islam. Right from the beginning, in the midst of the Africans were Hindu traders and other assorted workers who had more day-to-day dealings with the African than the missionaries. Yet, virtually not a single African embraced Hinduism, despite its superiority and its highness.
To find out about the reality of Hinduism one only has to ask the African.
Yours faithfully,
A.K.R. from India

Conversion of Russia
Dear TIA,
I pray the prayer for the conversion of Russia after every Traditional low Mass as the consecration (sadly) has still not been done.
We must pray all the harder as this world is in a most terrible state.
In Jesus, Mary & Joseph.
Sr. M.B. from the U.K.

Hello from Mexico
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
I know about two similar book publishing company that preaches the same thing you do here in Mexico, but I would like to know if there are another book companies like you but in Spanish, and their websites.
Thanks for your answers and God bless you all.
TIA responds:
Dear M.F.,
We hope you will find several good publishing houses and websites in Spanish in an Internet search. We do not have a special link with any. For this reason we cannot refer you to any by name. Perhaps our readers will have some suggestions.
TIA correspondence desk

Choosing a University
Dear TIA,
How do you do?
Many thanks for your article by Dr. Horvat "Tips on Choosing a University and the Catholic Extended Family."
I should like to subscribe to Dr. Bray's Tradmailing by sending him an e-mail, but I wonder why I always receive a failure notice. Did Dr. Bray change his e-mail address? Please help me.
I look forward to your response.
Respectfully yours in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
J.C.C. from the Philippines
TIA responds:
Dear J.C.C.,
Thank you for your comments. We are forwarding them to both Dr. Horvat and Dr. Bray. We are asking Dr. Bray to contact you directly in order to attend your request.
TIA correspondence desk

New Volume on the Council
Dear Sir or Madam,
Approximately when will the next volume of Mr. GuimarĂ£es' series on Vatican II appear? Thanks for your response.
TIA responds:
Dear B.G.,
The next volume of Mr. GuimarĂ£es' collection on the Council is planned to be released in Spring of 2008. It will address the new progressivist ecclesiology, contrasting it with the Catholic traditional teaching about the Church.
TIA correspondence desk

Fr. Ramiere on the Restoration of the Church
Dear TIA,
When I googled 'Immaculate Conception' and 'prophecy' I came to your questions and answers on Our Lady of Good Success. I had been reading 'The Immaculate Conception and the Hopes of the Church of Enrique Ramiere' on this website.
Fr. Ramiere was keenly interested in prophecy:
"Some Catholics may have expected a sudden intervention of the Immaculate Virgin and persuaded themselves that the enemies of the Church, overthrown in a moment like St.Paul on his way to Damascus, would be transformed into faithful servants. We have never cherished such a hope. In the Hopes of the Church (1862) which we are now republishing, we declared this to be the result of a study of the ways followed by Providence in the past. All leads us to believe that, before God brings about the triumph of his Church, He will wait until His enemies have put forth the utmost power of their rage against her, and even until they seem to have utterly triumphed over her."
Fr. Ramiere spread devotion to the Sacred Heart worldwide through the Apostleship of Prayer. He was directly responsible for the consecrations of the Society of Jesus (1872) and the world (1899) to the Sacred Heart. He was a peritus and a journalist at Vatican I. He promoted the Thomist revival and the declaration of St. Thomas as patron of Catholic schools. He was a distinguished theologian and philosopher who debated infallibility with the best minds in France: Gratry, Dupanloup and Maret. He was one of the organizers of the National Vow to build a basilica to the Sacred Heart at Montmarte. He is credited with Pius XI's declaration of Christ's Kingship (Quas Primas 1925):
"We must unite in an immense effort to obtain that, as we have seen the Revolution open by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the proclamation of the social expulsion of Jesus Christ, we may see this same Revolution come to an end by the recognition of the Rights of God and of the duties of the human race to its Savior and its King."
It is disappointing to say the least that he does not rate a single reference in the New Catholic Encyclopedia and the Society of Jesus has condemned him to oblivion.
Pere Ramiere is still revered in Spanish countries. An Argentinan describes him as "a man of great intellectual capacity, a fervent religious, with talent as a writer and organizer, with a naturally combative spirit and ardent apostolic zeal." The Barcelona Thomists in Cristiandad have called for Padre Ramiere's canonization.
Kind regards,
Posted November, 2007

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA

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