What People Are Commenting
Consecration & Bloody Passovers
Consecration Tomorrow, October 13th
Dear TIA,
I'm organizing a Consecration prayer to the Immaculate Heart and Rosary on the west steps of the Capitol [of Sacramento, California] on October 13th at 12:00 noon. It is to make reparation, console, and invoke protection.
The Governor and the Bishop of Sacramento have been invited.
It is being done with permits so we have police protection as well. If you want more information or if you could kindly spread the word more Catholics will come.
All for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Daryl Longenecker - (916) 505-1953
Doubts Removed
Dear Doctor Horvat,
I read with great interest your recent article on Bloody Passovers. A friend of mine had been assuring me for some time that these practices took place, but I only "half believed" him. Your very scholarly article removed any lingering doubt.
Doubts Increased
Why is Dr. Horvat so confident in the veracity and authenticity of a book she admits to not having read? Has she any prior exposure to the author's writings?
Book Available in Italian
Dear Marian Horvat,
I just recently read your article on the book Pasque di Sangue and decided to try to find it for you.
I did at the following website. I have also attached two copies of it [here and here]. One does not seem to have all the endnotes.
If that does not work hopefully the website will. Enjoy.
The English Version is Also Available
If you haven't seen this website, perhaps it would interest you.
It seems to be the complete text of Toaff's book.
Thomas Walsh Confirms It
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I had to send a note commending your article Bloody Passovers reported by a Jewish Scholar. As I am sure you are aware, the Catholic historian William Thomas Walsh covers the subject of the ritual murders of children by Jews during medieval times. He goes into particulars in the case of the infant of La Guardia, probably because there are so many records in Spain relevant to the case. I enjoy Walsh's writings.
I had not been aware that modern day "scholars" reject the historical facts of these ritual murders, but I am not surprised. In these days, when you find priests and prelates studying (in a non-critical way) the Talmud, which is full of blasphemy and filth, anything is possible and even probable. God help us!
Keep up the good work!
Irrational Article!
I read Marian T. Horvat's piece, "Bloody Passovers Reported by a Jewish Scholar" with great interest. I share her disappointment that Professor Taoff's book was pulled from the shelves. I also understand her frustration with the Jewish authorities who pressured Professor Taoff to retract his book. However, it seems that her frustration has led her to make some irrational statements.
For example, she describes Bar-Ilan University's rebuking of Taoff as "the pogrom against the Jewish professor." Pogrom? So, according to Dr. Horvat, to threaten to fire someone is tantamount to a massacre. Does this not seem a little over-the-top?
Further she writes, "I consider that the enormous psychological pressure he underwent that induced him to take his book out of circulation and apologize is equivalent to physical torture." First of all, the charge of "enormous psychological pressure" is itself sheer conjecture since all she knows for sure is that they tried to get him to retract his book, and he did. She is only assuming that great pressure was required to do so. Secondly, to equate psychological pressure with physical torture is the sort of rhetoric used by revolutionaries.
I suggest, especially on this subject, that reason should be ruthlessly employed and emotion mercilessly subdued.
In Jesus and Mary,
A Courageous Mother
Dear TIA,
I felt that I had to write. I am so saddened by the state of the Church. I am a 41 years old mother of 2 with 16+ yrs. of "Catholic" school under my belt. I must admit I feel like a bit of an outcast within my parish.
Why must I choose to ignore all of the disrespect and impiety in order to practice my faith? I am the laughingstock because I don't support abortion rights; condom use; laughing, talking, eating, and clapping during Mass. I am judgmental because I don't go along with adultery because someone was unhappy in his marriage.
The priests and nuns are worse than the laity. The parochial schools do fundraisers with companies who support Planned Parenthood. Mass is optional. I could obviously go on and on.
How terrible that a traditional Catholic is considered nuts or worse.
Thank God for people like you although one priest giving a mission last year said that traditional Catholics were self-righteous, angry people. I am neither.
I know God loves us but He gave us a model, Jesus, who DENOUNCED sin. He did not embrace it. It does not have to be all about condemnation; however, there are consequences to our actions. No wonder so many have flocked to Islam. They at least tell it like it is.
Thank you for the opportunity to vent. I would love to hear back.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear Mrs. M.F.,
Thank you for trusting us as you opened your soul regarding the situation of the Church.
You are right saying that by means of ridicule and defamation, progressivist Catholics persecute those inside the Church who disagree with them. The progressivists say that they are open to dialogue with any enemy of the Church - be they heretics, schismatics, Jews, pagans or Masons. However, with regard to those Catholics who sincerely desire to follow the narrow path taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ, they are implacably unjust and pitiless.
It is a contradictory position that can only be explained by their implicit understanding that those Catholics who defend Tradition represent the Militant Church which they want to abandon.
Receive our encouragement to continue holding the same good position you have, and may Our Lady Help of Christians give you strength to go forward on the path of fidelity.
We are pleased and honored to offer you these words of support.
TIA correspondence desk
Spirit of Don Pelayo
Dear TIA,
Please relay my enthusiastic thanks and support of Mr. Lyle Arnold, Jr.'s recent commentary: "A War Called Peace". He has expressed the spirit of Don Pelayo and Prof. Plinio in clear terms as it relates specifically to our times.
May Our Lady grant me the virtues needed to be a true Counter-Revolutionary knight!
In Jesu et Maria,
St. Vincent as a Dragon
Dear TIA,
A sculpture was ordered to be placed in front of the Church of the city La Chapelle-sous-Rougemont, in the Diocese of Belfort-Montbeliard in France. The sculpture is said to represent St. Vincent, the Deacon of Saragoza, Spain, who is the Patron Saint of that parish.
I think it looks like a devil. They say it is the 'angel of St. Vincent,' but it looks like a bad angel.
You may find more information here and here. You can see the dragon's peak placed on the back of the creature.
Below, I am sending you some pictures, which I downloaded this morning.
L.F., France
Posted October 12, 2007

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