Consequences of Vatican II
A War Called Peace
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
A raging war besieges us, the worst war in human history. The theater of this diabolical and ruthless offensive is inside the Church, and the Catholic soldiers in resistance are few. It can be likened to the small band loyal to Don Pelayo, the Visigoth noble who began the Reconquest of Spain (1).

Leading a small remnant, Pelayo began the Spanish Reconquest. Below, the cave of Covadonga where he took refuge, today a sanctuary
This dearth of warriors exists because of the nature of the war, and the nature of the enemy. The enigma of this war is that the hoards of progressivists will not fight. They are legion and do not have to fight, like maggots that blanket the kill. They say there is peace in the Church, so why should we fight? Consequently, we of the counter-revolutionary remnant are in a war called peace. Deus vult.
The progressivist heresy has acted like a mad anesthesiologist skilled in the black arts, operating through the toxic fumes of Vatican II. Once heresy takes hold of the intellect and the will, it acts like a rampant AIDS virus. A virus is a parasite. To function it must attach itself to a living cell. When so attached, it "hijacks" (2) the living metabolism and reproduces. Its only purpose is to reproduce and destroy what is healthy.
In 2 Peter 2: 1, the First Pope aptly describes the sense of heresy, saying that “through it the path of truth is desecrated, men are perverted and the Lord denied" (3). Today, as few as 15% believe in the Real Presence (4). This truly is the "Lord denied." This peace of the progressivists is intimately attached to their universalism, which wormed its way even into the new words of the Sacrament of Penance (5). The enemies of Our Lord also had this universalism, because "the Scribes and Pharisees had but too well succeeded in modeling the Jews of that time after their own sorry images and infecting them with their vices" (6).
First St. John the Baptist castigated them (Luke 3: 7) "Ye offspring of vipers." Then Jesus Himself rebukes them: "O,generation of vipers! (Matt. 12: 34, 23:33). How, exactly, were they "infected?" What poison existed in their doctrines that drew such holy wrath? They imagined that because they were the descendants of Abraham, they had nothing to fear from Heaven or Hell. His blood flowing through their veins was, ipso facto, a guarantee of salvation.
Historian L.C. Fillion says this on the topic:
"The writings of the rabbis contain numerous traces of this fallacious principle, showing how far the Messianic idea had been falsified by pride and ignorance and superstition. There was no extravagance which the Jews of that time did not commit with reference to the merits of their illustrious ancestor. These merits, joined to those of the other patriarchs and saints of Israel, formed, they proudly said, a treasure of incalculable wealth, which belonged in common to all members of the nation and which was amply sufficient to obtain for each of them pardon for his sins and participation in eternal happiness. They even represented Abraham as seated at the entrance to Gehenna to liberate immediately such guilty Israelites as would be condemned to the pains of Hell" (7).
Alas, the universalism of the Jews was provincial. The universalism of progressivists is universal, and they also imagine that they have "nothing to fear from heaven or hell." Vatican II has already guaranteed them Paradise, without a fight, won in a war called peace.
The "Johannine revolution" (8) of Vatican II, which kick-started the engines of Progressivism, would seem to have triumphed, with only a few in resistance. John Paul II's Assisi messages have been fully incorporated into progressivist doctrine and spread it far and wide. It is Progressivism's hour. But Lo! Hear the words of Our Lady of Covadonga to Don Pelayo, who, with his little band of 1,000 warriors, faced a horde of 60,000 Moors. "Take courage. The Moors are wavering. Go out now and attack them in the name of Jesus Christ and you shall conquer” (9). And conquer they did.
Note well Our Lady's word "attack." Progressivists must be attacked by the only method consistent with their errors: we must define these errors, eviscerate them, and attack them with Catholic teaching. When Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira established his Counter-Revolution, its fulcrum was not passive resistance. First he defined the enemy, then spelled out the rules of engagement for their defeat (10). He knew already the outcome, because, what Our Lady promised at Covadonga, she repeated once more at Fatima. "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph." (July 13, 1917).
1. The first battle of this eight-century war to reclaim Catholic Spain from the Moors, took place at a cave called Covadonga. For an outstanding essay on Don Pelayo and his soldiers, refer to Marian T. Horvat, The Legend of Don Pelayo, 2002, available from Tradition in Action.
2.Christopher Ferrara, "Viruses in the Body of Christ," Latin Mass magazine, Fall 1998.
3. Pietro Parente, Antonio Piolanti, Salvatore Garofalo, Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, Milwaukee: Bruce, 1951, p. 123.
4. Thomas A. Droleskey, "The 15% Factor," The Wanderer, November 12, 1995, 4.
5. Stephen F. Somerville, Confession after Vatican II, Changes in the Form of Absolution, Part III, Posted July 3, 2007 on the Tradition in Action Website.
6. L.C. Fillion, The Life of Christ, St. Louis, MO: Herder, vol. 1, p. 194.
7. Ibid, vol. II, p. 35. Author cites here Bereschith Rabba, XVIII, 7.
8. Thomas Bokenkotter, A Concise History of the Catholic Church, NY: Image Books, 1979, p. 416.
9. M.T. Horvat, The Legend of Don Pelayo, p. 16.
10. Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, New Rochelle, NY: Foundation for a Christian Civilization, 1980.1. Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, New Rochelle, NY: Foundation for a Christian Civilization, 1980, p. 30.
Posted July 27, 2007

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