What People Are Commenting
Donations, Etiquette & Pictures from Malta
Moral and Financial Support
Dear TIA,
I have bookmarked your site and visit it every day to keep myself updated on the latest information that I need to know as a traditional Catholic.
I thank God for your site and have and will continue to support you monetarily.
God bless,
Sending a Donation
Dear TIA,
May I say I thank God for people like you.
My girlfriend and I are in an area where we cannot get to a Traditional Latin Mass or the Sacraments (despite the fact that we have traveled to areas and no Masses were said), and we are devastated.
Now that I have your address, I would be most happy to send a donation to you.
Thank you, and God bless you in time and eternity.
Clearing the Confusion
Dear Dr. Horvat and Mr. Guimaraes,
Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your great articles that appear on your website, as well as your books and tapes.
Nobody has cleared up the confusion I had about the errors in the Church as much as you have.
Thanks and God bless.
Dear Tradition In Action,
I am offering a simple thank you for your articles, and more specifically, your book citations. Because you had mentioned the book titled American Catholic Etiquette in your article, "Courtesy: An Essential Element in the Catholic Home", I was able to find the book on e-Bay and order it.
I ordered the book because I need to learn proper etiquette!
Thank you for your hard work.
Yours truly,
La Conquistadora
Dear Dr. Horvat,
You wrote about two of Dr. Bolton's books in an article about La Conquistadora, Our Lady. These books were The Colonization of North America 1492-1783 and Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands.
Just today my daughter who is home-schooling lamented the fact that there is no decent Catholic American history book out there. Father Furlong's is just English history written by a priest and Anne Carroll's American history is too secular at times. My daughter had decided to teach history by having her children read biographies of the saints and the history of the Church in America.
Then I was reading the footnotes to your article and saw you mention H. E. Bolton and his work. Also, you noted the book by Sunstone Press about the statue. Is it possible some of this is still in print or old copies may be purchased? Would you think of publishing them if they are not? Please consider this. There is NOTHING OUT THERE, believe me.
Thank you for letting me vent.
God bless you.
TIA responds:
Dear Mrs. J.N.,
Dr. Horvat is out of town and, therefore, unable to answer you. We are forwarding your question to her. She may contact you by e-mail.
TIA correspondence desk
Los Angeles Cathedral Costs
I do not know what to say about the new Los Angeles Cathedral. I live thousands of miles away from Los Angeles, in the tiny island of Malta in the Mediterranean. But my brother, who is an architect (now aged 73), was commissioned to design a new church for the Carmelite fathers in Balluta, St. Julian's, Malta. This church was consecrated some 20 years ago and did not cost millions to build. I am sending you two pictures of it [below].
The third picture is my parish church in Mosta which is world famous for the size of its dome. It can certainly accommodate more than 3000 people and, again, it did not cost millions to build. At that time, some 120 years ago, mules were used to carry the stones to build the dome.
L.S. from Malta
In a Bad Mood
Hi Fellow Catholics,
I often read your site and sometimes I just get soo tired; not that I disagree with you. It is pointless to go on about Ratzinger the Jew (Ratzinjew) the "Cardinals" and the "bishops." For once and for all, just make your minds up that they are all heretics and therefore not Catholics.
I suggest that we all adopt the terms "Roman Catholic" for us who know what the Catholic faith is and apply the term "New Order Catholics" to those who belong to the communist created sect which is built on the (in)famous post-conciliar five popes.
This "church" is the church of the New World Order. That is why it is called Novus Ordo. It has no more validity than the moonies or the scientologists. Stop taking them seriously. Satirize the idiots. They are very clever but still idiots as regards the true religion.
Because they are not Catholics they do not have the Holy Spirit. They are no better than Moslems, do you not know? They deny Jesus Christ at every hand's turn and will, therefore, be denied by Jesus Christ Himself unless they repent.
Wojtyla was a great actor but he was no more a Catholic than Judas Iscariot.
Stop wasting your time analyzing these people. Get the message out. These people are the creators and product of a new faith - a new church. Outside the Roman Catholic Church there is no salvation. Inside the new order church there is no salvation.
We are not "traditionalists." Stop calling yourselves traditionalists. We are Roman Catholics. They are New Order Catholics. They preach a new gospel and have created 7 new sacraments to go with their New Order and are therefore outside the Catholic Church. Unless Ratzinjew converts to the Catholic faith before he dies he will go to hell according to the teaching of the Catholic Church.
So, fear not. Christ has conquered the world. There is only One Holy Catholic and Apostolic church and we have a duty to the poor misguided Catholics of the New Order.
God bless and keep up the good work.
Merit of Having True Masses
Dear TIA,
In this sad state of the world in which we find ourselves, there is also much confusion and even hatred among many, sadly even in our own families. Being aware of the break-up some years ago by several priests of the SSPX, who then formed the SSPV; I find it very disheartening and sad that such fine priests cannot find some peace between themselves and their orders. Surely, this is present amongst the Novus Ordo also.
But as I have attended Mass for some time at both the SSPX and SSPV, I find both societies saying pretty much the same thing about the Pope and others in the Hierarchy and the evils of Modernism.
So, we have these two societies who are said to be excommunicated. One saying they believe that the current Pope is a true pope, but does not accept many things that come out of Rome and non-trustful of many bishops (rightly so). The other are totally fed up with Modern Rome and say they don't believe that the current pope is a true pope. But there are many who still attend Mass at both and do believe that Pope Benedict XVI is our current pope.
It is my opinion that those attending Mass at either one are just wanting what truly belongs to them: the beautiful, holy, reverent Latin Mass that is centuries old, without having to deal with modernist Bishops and Novus Ordo clergy who have dismantled - and plan to continue doing so - all that we Catholics cherished as our Tradition, which St. Paul instructs us to hold on to.
And, there are some Novus Ordo priests that are good priests and many who are persecuted also when trying to defend what holy Mother Church and Scripture has taught us. For them we have to pray too, that the Holy Spirit will guide us all in the right direction together as God's faithful.
One last thing; before anyone proceeds to discredit either SSPX or SSPV, let them be aware that if it weren't for these priests and many like them, we would not have seen the re-opening of the treasure of Our Latin Mass which has been and will always remain Heaven's True, Holy and Only Mass which brought about so many great and holy Saints for us to venerate and to imitate.
Posted October 5, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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