What People Are Commenting
Mormons, Communism & a Bunny Priest
Mormon Birth Control
Dear TIA,
Excellent work, Mr. Arnold, exposing the deceptively proper Mormons.
I have the pleasure of being friends with a Catholic convert who grew up Mormon and was highly active in the Mormon church as an adult. I have been told that though they successfully maintain the facade of superior morals, they keep their ugly secrets from public view.
It is apparently little known that a Mormon bishop may advise married couples of their right to discern for themselves whether or not they will accept all the children God would send them. They may legitimately opt for various means of birth control, including abortion. You see, Mormons like all heretics, are not so very hard to understand.
Their religion, along with all false religions, has one and the same transparent doctrine: to get the largest number of adherents possible to sin against their God.
Tolle Causam!
Dr. P.D.

A Mormon Protests
On your page you mistakenly state that:
"What, exactly, therefore, is the doctrine of the Mormon religion, vis-à-vis what the Mormons themselves have become? (3) One example of their doctrines is the one that declares war on Catholics, stating that the Roman Catholic Church is the 'most abominable above all other churches'."(4)
Your footnotes reads:
4. Bruce R. McConkie notes: "The Roman Catholic Church specifically is singled out, set apart, described, and designated as being 'most abominable above all other churches" ("Mormon Stumpers," Catholic Answers, n. 6).
5. The data about Mormon teaching and un-footnoted quotes are taken from William J. Whalen, Separated Brethren (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1958).
It is true that Bruce R. McConkie said that in the first edition of his book, but the church leadership FORCED him to retract it from later editions of his book.
That is not an LDS church teaching, even though it was, at one time, Elder McConkie's mistaken opinion.
If the LDS church actually considered the Catholic Church to be "most abominable above all other churches," then why would the church send such a large proportion of its income, our tithing money, to Catholic Charities, and announce that fact to us every year at the General Conference?
If you want to hate us, that's your prerogative, but please don't pretend that we hate your church.

Blessing of Homosexuals
Regarding the "blessing" of homosexual "couples" in Vienna: I cannot think of a more hateful act than encouraging people on the road to Hell!
J. M.

Hate Mail
Hello TIA,
Wow!! Just read your new page on "hate mail". It is simply unbelievable how ignorance reveals itself in words of contempt. The first letter is definitely from a poor pathetic evangelical who probably got his knowledge of Catholicism from A & E network.
The letters from the sedevacantes reveal their amateur readings of canon law and apparently visiting one too many websites. We can not determine that a Pope is heretical. If we do then we have taken up protestant notions.
All this confusion in the Church makes the Prince of Darkness full of glee and those who do not study their pre-Vatican II catechisms and read papal encyclicals will not endure this chastisement.

Pedophile Priests
Whew! Wouldn't our world be different if this were to happen! Over & over we read of or know people who have been affected by pedophiles, clerical & lay. The whole Modernist Hierarchy is dripping with this venom, this foul effluvia of sin.
It will place them in Hell, but how many children go to Hell in their train?

Communism in Latin America
Dear Tradition in Action,
Thank you for your informative website. I am writing in response to your article entitled, 'Communism in Latin America.' I am not sure if the average American understands the threat that Communism presents to the Catholic Church and to mankind in general. After reading the book The Plot Against the Church, I acquired a much better understanding of this threat and its treacherous underpinnings.
The book explains the theological relationship between Judaism, Communism and mass murder. It also explains the motives (means and methods) behind the murder of hundreds of millions of people during the Communist Revolution in Russia, as well as the threat that Communism still presents to the Catholic Church today. An online version of this book can be found at www.catholicvoice.co.uk/pinay.
Truly yours in Christ,

As Far As I Can Tell...
I believe you are in error here. The picture, as far as I can tell, was aken in 2004, when Cardinal Ratzinger and his brother were in Bressanone, Italy, for a retreat, during the Summer. As usual, Cardinal Ratzinger was perfectly (and appropriately) attired for the occasion.
Please correct your website.
Yours sincerely,
Understandably Strong
I have to agree with the comment that the clothing is immodest, but you also need to comment on the fact that men's clothing in sports is equally immodest. How can women watch such sports as figure skating when men's costumes are so immodest?
But I will add a note about the muscle thing. I'm a consecrated virgin who attends the TLM and who supports herself working as a firefighter (for the last 26 years) I do have muscles but need them to do my job. I also live on 10 acres and have to take care of it by myself.
Sorry I don't have any close family, and no family in the state or area around. The families at my parish don't have time since they are busy home-schooling and raising their kids.
Anyway, just don't be too quick to judge.
In Christ,
First Communion Dresses
Dear TIA,
I saw your articles on First Communion Trunk Shows. I've looked through hundreds of communion dresses and have yet to find one that won't have my daughter looking like she's a miniature adult or ready to walk down the runway. These dresses are too outlandish!
Do mothers a favor and search out traditional, simple and innocent communion dresses that aren't hundreds of dollars. Put them on your site. Cotton would be nice without the frilly and fluffy tulle skirts!
It's next to impossible and I wonder WHY 80% of youth no longer believe in the Real Presence of Jesus when parents are too caught up in all the folderol and spirituality never comes into play!
It is sad for the future of our Church.
Bunny Priest
I was looking through your pictures of the many "Church Revolution in Pictures" images. They are shocking to say the least.
I've attached a picture of my confirmation standing with our Parish Priest that was taken 2 years ago. Needless to say, I was dismayed by the bunny ears that he was wearing, but when I saw this picture, it hurt me even more.
I am actively searching for a Traditional Catholic Church, but I'm having a hard time finding one. Do you think it's okay to attend this post Vatican II Church that I've been attending? There is a new priest there who seems more traditional, but of course it's hard to tell.
How sad is this? This was a very happy and holy day for me. It was my confirmation into the Catholic Church. The Church that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ started. I was heartbroken when I saw this picture.
Thank you,
Posted June 29, 2007

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