What People Are Commenting
Traditionalism Infiltrated
Exposé on Dorothy Day
Dear TIA,
For those who have been following the controversy on Distributism currently raging in the US and the UK, I have good news. Part two of Dr. Carol Byrne's exposé on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement, From Russia With Love (of Revolution), is now on line.
A certain segment of the traditional movement, including The Angelus, have sung the praises of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, and the movement they founded, while ignoring the very radical elements they propounded. After very extensive research into the Catholic Worker Movement, its founders, and its ideological gurus, Dr. Byrne has written an excellent and well documented two-part article exposing the movement and its founders for what they really are: radical, modernist, and unfit to be held up as examples for Catholics.
For those who are seeking the truth, Dr. Byrne's article is like the bright beam coming from a lighthouse to warn our frail barques of a reef that must be avoided if we wish to keep afloat in the turbulent sea of Catholic life. It is my sincere hope that it will obtain a wide readership through TIA's excellent website.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patti Petersen
P.S. - Please use my full name.

Traditionalist Papers Advertising Distributism
Dear TIA,
I am just a simple housewife, but am appalled to see traditionalist Catholics and magazines supporting Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day. Back in the 1970s, my husband's union started sending The Catholic Worker to the workers, thinking we would support these socialist policies. They were wrong! We were very anti-communist and good Catholics, and then the Church had the good sense to say that this movement was communist, and to avoid it.
I never dreamed I would see the day when The Angelus magazine would be publishing articles praising communists. But they have also been supporting Distributism, which is a form of Socialism, as your article points out. All the traditionalist newspapers and magazines are advertising books by IHS press, which promotes Distributsim.
What is going on!!!?????
Please do more on pointing out the errors, so that we will have some good orientation, like we used to in the Church.
Posted April 5, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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