What People Are Commenting
Media Manipulation & Sacred Space in L.A.
Dear TIA,
I agree with your article that Cardinal Mahony is the master manipulator.
Things were getting a bit hot for him regarding his refusal to hand over personnel files on predator priests - as you note in your article he has been playing games to keep from turning these documents over to authorities since 2002. He was starting to get some bad press.
So what does he do? He cleverly diverted attention from the bad press with a grand statement on Ash Wednesday [2006] calling on all 288 parishes in the LA Archdiocese to fast, pray and press for the rights of illegal immigrants. It's a 'social justice issue' for him, using the jargon of JPII and Vatican II. To assure nationwide media attention, he pledged to defy the proposed new law should it be enacted.
The ruse worked. Newspapers and electronic media literally stampeded to tell the story! In a lead editorial the next day, the New York Times called Mahony's Lent message a "eclaration of solidarity with illegal immigrants - a startling call to civil disobedience, as courageous as it is timely."
Now, today, April 18, 2006, the Los Angeles Times reports in a side column - by the way this paper does everything it can to favor the Cardinal - that the Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal, which means he must turn over the files on two accused priests to a grand jury. This means he could have to turn over more files on other accused priests as well. In November a judge placed 44 civil cases on track for trial later this year, and lawyers are requesting priests' files. As you point out in your article, this Archdiocese has been named in more than 500 civil cases.
What will Mahony do? I think we can expect him to keep fighting and stalling on the release of priest files in the civil cases. The LA Times article said Mahony won't say, but many expect him to continue his campaign to wear down victims through endless stalling.
My guess is that in the next months we can expect to hear a lot more from Mahony about immigration rights and social justice. It's been a great diversion tactic, and has put the constantly growing Catholic Spanish population in Los Angeles right in his pocket. They will be more reluctant to criticize him for harboring and protecting pedophile priests when he is defying the laws of the country on behalf of the illegal immigrant issue ...
It is a shame. Why isn't this Cardinal held accountable for crimes?
Sacred Space?
Below are several examples of what is considered "sacred space" in Mahonyville.
Please note the discouragement of kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, i.e., no kneelers provided. Please note the New Age influence to particularly include a labyrinth, where walking in circles is very appropriate for confused Catholics thanks to Mahony's religious education congresses which are exercises in apostasy!
To see more examples of the Religious Education Congress 2005 Sacred Space, click here.
Posted April 20, 2006

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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