What People Are Commenting
Comments on the New Vatican Document
on Homosexuality
Dear TIA,
"A Vatican document expected to made public soon stops short of a sweeping ban on homosexuals entering the priesthood, allowing those who have lived chastely for three years to be candidates for the clergy, a senior Vatican official said Friday." The Italian weekly Panorama wrote in its Friday editions "that Pope Benedict XVI approved the document during the summer." Quotes taken from USA Today online edition, October 7, 2005).
Atila's book, Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia contains quotes from Popes & Saints plus the Bible that completely refutes what appears to coming from the Vatican. What gives?
May God bless you for all the great work you are doing. May Our Lady always guide, protect and inspire you in all you think, do or say.
Ninety Three Percent of Annulments
As you can see, it is early morning and since I couldn't sleep, I came to the computer to read the latest postings on TIA. First, thank you for all the beautiful articles. I started on the Virtues Page on the site and then moved to others.
I have read for a half hour or so and want to comment on how beautiful the articles are and how motivating to do better. We need constant reinforcement in the truth since we live in such a pagan world. The number of natural disasters increase every day - Pakistan and India's earthquake and Central America's mudslide - all happened in the space of two or three days.
And what Benedict XVI is doing is mind boggling. Had someone told me some of these details of what would be happening today 20 years ago, I could not have believed them or perhaps not even been able to conceive of them. I have been reading about the dialogue about whether priest candidates can be homosexual if they are celibate.(????) Is this a dream - rather, a nightmare that cannot even be imagined?
Greetings to everyone there and thank you for the excellent work you are doing.
In Maria,
Ninety Three Percent of Annulments
Regarding an upcoming Vatican document on gays and the priesthood that says men who demonstrate homosexual tendencies can become priests if they can show they have lived chastely for at least three years.
I'm surprised that no one seems to be commenting on the horrific implications of our apparently very gay-friendly pope's impending move to almost guarantee that every seminary will be a pink palace and that even those who want to resist will be unable to. This is his response in the face of the most horrific gay priest scandals in the history of the Church!
Choosing the very gay-friendly Levada of San Francisco to head his Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was apparently no accident. It looks as if we will indeed find ourselves longing for the "good old days" of the "Great" one.
The modernists are giddy with anticipation (see below excerpts from an article "New Signs of Openness" by the Free Press, October 11, 2005).
In Detroit on Monday, hundreds of clergy and laity gathered to hear a hopeful forecast of the Church's future from the Rev. Richard McBrien, a University of Notre Dame scholar and author of many books on the Church's history and theology.
McBrien said Catholics just now are discovering that the new pope seems to welcome hearing dissenting viewpoints. The most recent example is the Vatican's apparent reversal of an earlier proposal to bar all gay men from seminaries.
"That was a big stand-down" for the Vatican, McBrien said. Reports leaking out of the Vatican to the National Catholic Reporter in recent days say that the current rules governing gay seminarians will be adjusted only slightly. According to the Rome bureau of the Reporter, a Catholic newspaper in the United States, the revised rules simply call for seminary candidates to indicate they are ready for the chaste life of the priesthood, which already is a requirement for admission.
Gay candidates will have to avoid participating in gay-pride demonstrations and the Vatican also will require candidates to have abstained from sexual relations for at least three years before admission. That compares, in Detroit, with a standing rule for homosexual and heterosexual men of two years of chaste living before admission to Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
That reversal was welcome news to Christine Boileau of Riverview, a religion teacher at a local Catholic high school.
"Those first reports we heard about the Vatican ruling against gay seminarians were a slap in the face of the gay priests we have now and, in my opinion, would have been a contradiction in our own Catholic teachings that distinguish between homosexual orientation and homosexual activity."
Now, Boileau said, "we need to come together in our Church with a new sense of unity and address not only the shortage of priests, but so many issues that have divided us."
In April, when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, the Vatican's former watchdog for doctrinal purity, was elected pope, McBrien said, "a lot of people expected that, by October, we would have heard the screams and the cries of people being punished and fired and leaving the Church in disgust. And it's not happening."
Instead, McBrien pointed out that two weeks ago, Benedict met for several hours with the Church's most famous dissenter, the German theologian Hans Kung. Afterward, the Vatican press office described the meeting as friendly and Benedict as having welcomed a conversation with Kung about the need for religious leaders to engage in global discussions about ethics and the use of science.
"We don't know what the rest of this pontificate will be like," McBrien said. "But Benedict is making gestures and sounds that suggest we can have some hope."
Well, one thing he can't do is ordain women, so the modernists are blowing smoke when they think that will happen. The Church will survive him.
Posted October 12, 2005

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