Homosexuality and the Clergy
Should Priests Marry to Avoid the Crisis in the Clergy?
Should Chaste Homosexual Seminarians Become Priests?
Atila S. Guimarães
After completion of the book Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, I thought it convenient to expound and refute some of the most common sophisms that surround the two-fold crisis of homosexuality and pedophilia that scourges the Catholic Church.
This are the fifth and sixth sophisms and their answers taken from the work's Appendix.
Sophism 5 - The numbers of homosexuals and pedophiles in the clergy show that the Church has not resolved the problem of sexuality of priests. If priests were allowed to marry, most of these deviations would be corrected. Therefore, it is necessary to allow them to marry, and priestly celibacy must end.
Answer - This is to compare apples and oranges. Homosexual seminarians and priests do not want or need to be married because they are not sexually attracted to women. The sacrifice of not being married simply does not apply to the case. Therefore, the argument is void.
Sophism 6 - There should be no problem in accepting homosexuals in seminaries. As long as they are chaste, they are able to fulfill their vocation.
Answer - Even if homosexual acts are not practiced, homosexuality per se is an aberration both in its tendency – the attraction of a man to another man, and in its end – the sin of sodomy. It cannot be tolerated in any degree or in any place, most especially in a place destined to form the future directors of Catholic souls and members of the Hierarchy.
Furthermore, the Church has always taught that a person must avoid the close occasion of sin, a rule to be carefully observed by all Catholic institutions. Now then, homosexual seminarians are attracted to men and not to women. Therefore, to live in the midst of other men constitutes for them a close occasion of sin, and should be avoided. It is as absurd to allow homosexual seminarians to live in quarters with other young men as it would be to allow heterosexual seminarians to room together with novices – young women – in a convent. Such a situation would be a serious error on the part of the religious authority, an occasion of sin for the seminarian, and a scandal to the faithful.
Therefore, the seminaries must categorically forbid the entrance of homosexuals.
Posted August 25, 2005
Sophism 1 | Sophism 2 | Sophism 3 | Sophism 4 | Sophism 7
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