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Council of Ancyra Condemns
Sodomy & Bestiality

From the tradition of the ecclesiastical Magisterium, we find that from her early history, the Church took a strong stand against the sin of sodomy and advised long penances for those who committed the sin against nature.

The decree of the Council of Ancyra, held in Asia MInor in 314, strongly influenced the Church of the West and was often cited as an authoritative argument in later declarations against homosexual practices.

The Council of Ancyra, Canon 17

For those who have "committed iniquity with animals or men" the Council of Ancyra established a series of punishments that varied according to the age and state of the infractor:

“Those who have committed such crimes before age 20, after 15 years of penance, will be readmitted to the communion of prayer. Then, after remaining five years in that communion, let them receive the sacraments of oblation. However, let their lives be analyzed to establish how long a period of penance they should undergo in order to obtain mercy. For if they unrestrainedly gave themselves over to these crimes, let them devote more time to doing penance.

“If, however, those aged 20 and over and married fall into these crimes, let them do penance for 25 years and then be received in the communion of prayer; and, remaining in it for five years, let them finally receive the sacraments of oblation.

“Further, if those who are married and over 50 years of age commit these crimes, let them receive the grace of communion only at the end of their lives.”

(Council of Ancyra, apud St. Peter Damian, Liber gomorrhianus, in PL 145, cols. 172-3,
apud Atila S. Guimaraes, Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, TIA, 2004, pp. 24-25)



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Posted July 25, 2015