The Progressivist War against the Family
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
Samuel S. Leibowitz was a criminal lawyer for 21 years, and a judge for 16 years in the Brooklyn criminal court system. In the 1950's, the crimes of juveniles had reached a critical stage, and Leibowitz began to criticize the "solutions" of the welfare state in dealing with the crisis. They were ignoring the cause of the crimes, and only treating the effects of juvenile offenses: "making teen-age curfews and more playgrounds, punishing parents for their teenager's crimes, getting more social workers, setting up a federal delinquency bureau, establishing psychiatric committees to research the adolescent psyche."
The Judge ascertained that the Western country with the lowest rate of juvenile crime was Italy. Intrigued, he resolved to ferret out the reason for this first-hand, so he traveled there and spent weeks in various Italian cities, talking with police commissioners, school superintendents, mayors, etc. And he found the answer: the youth in Italy respected authority, which began in the home. A fortiori, it began with respecting the father's authority. Even in the poorest families, the father was respected by the wife and children as its head. He formulated this finding into the words, stating: "Nine words that can stop juvenile delinquency: Put father back at the head of the family" (1). Now, let us fast-forward to the 21st century.
 The American Bishops attack marriage and family by granting so many annulments - America, October 18, 2004 |
The progressivist Hierarchy and clergy of New Church not only do not recognize the simple truth discovered by the Judge, but with their easy-annulment policy, have for all purposes declared war against the family itself. Indeed, by 2002 the Bishops were granting 50,000 marriage annulments annually (2).
This vicious onslaught against the Sacrament of Marriage and the spiritual and social need for stable families is nothing less than diabolical. It has been said that the French Revolution of 1789 ushered in more revolutions. It left Europeans with a tendency to anarchism or - to use an expression of Fromkin - following Nietzsche, in a mood to "smash things" (3).
It can be said that the Revolution of Vatican II, is also a consequence of the French Revolution, still worse than that of 1789. It has smashed everything of the once sacred Catholic past. Once the Nietzschian fist smashes a family, it is never the same, it's impossible. Once broken, it’s very nature has been changed.
Deirdre and her husband, a gifted medical doctor, were married for 28 years with three children. He applied for, and received, an annulment from the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Boston. (4) These Bishops pretended with "a moral certainty" that there was never a marriage to begin with because at the time of the marriage, there was "lack of due discretion" on the part of the husband.
Making a simple analysis of the Tribunal's decision, here is how the wife reports the sentence of the Tribunal:
"In September of 1965, this man, 31-years-old, of above average intelligence, non-psychotic, non-coerced, from a normal family background, suffered from some disorder that either made him unable to understand what marriage entailed or unable to fulfill its obligations. This disorder apparently continued undetected for 38 years and unknowingly prevented them from ever experiencing a true marriage even though they became parents and raised three children, and he was a successful physician as well" (5).
 St. Thomas More was killed for his opposition to an annulment |
Because Deirdre's husband married again soon after the annulment, she asked this final question:
"Let us grant for a moment that [the Tribunal was] correct. Why then let a person of such defective judgment remarry eight weeks later in the Catholic Church?" (6).
One could hardly be called sarcastic today if he accused today's Hierarchy of believing the martyrdom of St. Thomas More, who died because he refused to grant the King an improper annulment, had no meaning, that it was nothing but futile act of ostentatious pageantry. However, as if the annulment scandal is not bad enough, add to it the fact that a parish priest of today "can expect that about 97% to 99% of his newlyweds will be using unnatural methods of birth control” (7).
The English philosopher Edmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Judge Leibowitz began his investigation of juvenile crime because he realized it was the effects of crime that were being treated, not the cause. He was a good man who did something.
Can we say that our Catholic Hierarchy are made of good men doing nothing? I think it is more than that. They are leaders of souls who are doing untold evil at every level because they have adopted a cesspool-caldron of progressivist ideas, with which they direct the faithful. One evidence we can see that our Shepherds have turned into wolves is the permissions they have granted for countless annulments or, better saying, Catholic divorces.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, says the maxim. Rousseau's philosophy echoed this when he said, "The sole duty of man is to follow in everything the inclination of his heart" (8). The leaders of New Church must certainly agree with Rousseau. Their hearts are turned toward accomplishing their progressivist agenda.
1."This Week," 12-15-57. Condensed in March, 1962 by Reader's Digest titled, "Nine words that can stop juvenile delinquency."
2. The Remnant, 12-15-06.
3. David Fromkin, Europe's Last Summer, NY: Alfred A. Knof, 2004, p. 39.
4. Sheila Rauch Kennedy, Shattered Faith, NY: Pantheon Books, 1997, p. 43.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7 Catholic Family News, 1-06, p. 11.
8 The Latin Mass magazine, Spring 07, 30.
Posted May 28, 2007

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