Discussion Continues on the ‘Third Secret’ |
69 Weeks = 69 Years
Regarding the proposed 3rd Secret text, I highlight two phrases [in blue]:
In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter’s grave must be removed and transferred to Fatima.
Pondering this I had a thought. Maybe this means to the old basilica (church) in Fatima and not the ugly banjo pan religious one.
If 69 weeks after this order is announced, Rome continues its abomination, the city will be destroyed.
Maybe 69 years...? We can use a few dates of relevance... When the secret should have been revealed 1960 + 69 would be 2029. When the secret was put to paper 1944 + 69 = 2013.
The Secret & the Jews
I think the third secret has something to do with the Jews, and since this issue is sensitive, to say the least, it won't be released anytime soon.
Vatican Secret Put to Rest
Dear TIA,
There are websites which declare that Speckin Forensic Laboratories in 2000 analyzed the Third Secret released by the Vatican and attempted to match its handwriting with earlier and later writings of Sr. Lucy, and did not find a correlation. This indicates that neither Sr. Lucy #1 or #2 was the writer.
Some state that Sr. Lucy could have been the author but, for undisclosed reasons, dictated this part of the Secret to another to pen. However, I contend that she would never have entrusted this most critical of issues to someone else.
If the handwriting does not match with Sr. Lucy's, is it too presumptuous to state "one and done" with this Vatican Secret and deem it fraudulent? The alternative is very hard to articulate: a deliberately false rendition promulgated by the Vatican.
But, if this last point is true, why did the Vatican make the Secret so complex and not have the "bishop in white" die in the vision so that it could have been easier to have Pope John Paul II identified as the victim, which is how they chose to interpret it?
My own opinion is that the Vatican "vision" is too complex to be a Secret revealed by Our Lady to children and it does not mesh with the first two parts that were pragmatic and to the point. Contrast this with the recently released Secret which stands on its own and does not need a "vision" to have as a backdrop for interpretation.
Another ‘Real Third Secret’
Is this the true Third Secret of Fatima?
“A Wicked Council ... The Church Will Bleed from all Her Wounds”
In May of 1994, a French priest was listening to a CD entitled Mysterium Fidei, a sort of oratory with French lyrics and sung by French choirs. As he was listening devoutly, suddenly the music faded into the background and a clear voice, which was perceived quite normally and not as an interior inspiration, said: "L'eglise saignera de toutes ses plaies," that is, "The Church will bleed from all her wounds."
Then, there followed this text:
There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith; confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain.
A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places. The abomination of abominations will reach its peak and it will bring the chastisement announced at La Salette. My Son's arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes.
One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best (the most courageous). The Church will bleed from all her wounds. Happy are they who will persevere and search for refuge in My Heart, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph ...
After this message, the priest only heard one more sentence: "This is the Third Secret of Fatima."
Could this be the true Third Secret, then? It could be. The identity of the priest is not known to Novus Ordo Watch. However, this text has been published and circulated before, for instance, in the book The Devil's Final Battle as well as in a newsletter of Bishop Williamson in 2000.
If this is the true Third Secret, it is no wonder why the Vatican, beginning in 1960 with John XXIII, did not wish to make it public. John XXIII claimed that the Third Secret "does not concern my pontificate" and refused to reveal it, despite the Blessed Virgin Mary's order that it be revealed to the faithful by 1960 at the latest.
It is perhaps particularly interesting that the text states: "The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain," a perfect description of the Catholic world according to the sede-vacantist position.
The above text and its preface are based on a pamphlet Novus Ordo Watch received from a traditionalist German publisher, Pro Fide Catholica. It is reproduced here for the education and (hopefully) the benefit of faithful Catholics, but really of all men of good will.
Whether it is the true Third Secret or not, let us follow the advice to seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Thank You
Thank you for your website and your work on Fatima and the 3rd secret.
Explaining the Mistaken Date
Hello TIA,
About the date on the authentic Third Secret of Fatima - it is January 4, 1944.
The explanation for the inversion of month and day is that Sister Lucy was attacked by the devil, this is well documented.
In September of 1944, Bishop da Silva suggested that Sister Lucy write down the text of the Third Secret, but she said that she could not take that responsibility upon herself without a formal, written order. Even when the order was given a month later by her bishop, she was unable to commit to writing this Third Secret. Sister Lucy, who had lived a life of obedience to her superiors, was not physically able to obey the command. She attributed this paralysis to a preternatural cause. According to Frere Michel in his monumental book on the Third Secret:
“Having received the formal order to write down the Secret in mid-October, two months later Sister Lucy still had not done so. This shows how much the writing of this text made her tremble. Indeed as she took up her pen, she found her incapable of writing. In effect, as she asked Don Garcia for advice she added that she had wanted to obey several times, that she had sat down to write, without being able to. This mysterious impediment still existed on December 24, 1943, where she makes it clear in a letter to Don Garcia 'that this phenomenon was not due to natural causes.' …
“Undoubtedly we see it as Satan's final outburst against the messenger of the Immaculate One, guessing what a great weapon this prophecy would be, once it was set down in black and white, against his domination and his claim of being able to infiltrate the very heart of the Church...thus the seer's great trial was the measure of how great was the event about to be accomplished.”
The April Text Is Authentic
I am convinced the text you published of the 3rd secret of Fatima is the authentic secret, and if every line does not correspond to the way people think it ought to be, it makes no difference.
I also believe it has a strong connection to the apparition at the convent in Tuy, where Our Lady said, THE MOMENT has come for the Holy Father in union with the world’s Bishops to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, not 81 years or so later. Our Lady said she would come to ask for the consecration to prevent World War II. In my opinion, at this point at best we can have only a partial benefit from the consecration, if anything at all.
The vision and request of Our Lady was within the context of the Mass. In 1903 both Jesus and Mary in mystical prayer conveyed to Ven. Julie Jehenny that there were priests in the Church not of Jesus' Gospel, working hard to bring about a new Mass. He said the words of this Mass are 'odious to Me' and when the new Mass books come out, 'that is when my priests will be put to their (Mass) test.' Unfortunately most priests will fail, according to Our Lord.
Thirty-three years, the number of our Lord's years on earth, after the 1929 apparition at the Tuy Convent the new Mass books had just come out. While the Mass is valid, with over 400 changes to the missal, can it still be considered the Mass book or missal of St. Pius V, and is that 62 missal a violation of Quo Primum? The Bishops and priests at Vatican Council II were offering the Mass according to the 62 missal, at least up to 1965 when the Mass book was changed again to the point it was already about 80%-90% Novus Ordo.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us
Posted December 21, 2010

Other Articles in the Polemic
For Forensic Purposes: A Larger Photo
Third Secret of Fatima
A Pope with Devilish Eyes
More Data Shed Light on the Third Secret
Three Different Third Secrets
The Churches of Hell
Third Secret: Opinions and Questions
Objection and Answers on the Third Secret
'Ugly Church' and Church Authority Transferred to Fatima
Advocating the Authenticity of the Third Secret
Third Secret: It is Fake! It is Authentic!
Eight Objections to the 'Third Secret'
Forensics vs. Photoshop
Malachi Martin & the Third Secret
Second Interview of Malachi Martin on the Third Secret
The Alleged Third Secret of Fatima

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