NEWS: January 31, 2020
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
While Pope Francis has not lost a single opportunity to express his pain for every Muslim immigrant who has died in the Mediterranean Sea trying to reach South Italy, he has been completely oblivious to the thousands of Catholics murdered in Nigeria.
Recently, in the Diocese of Maiduguri in North East Nigeria more than 5,000 Catholics have been killed, 100,000 have been displaced and 350 churches burned or vandalized by the attacks of the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram.
A report on that Diocese states that 22 of the 40 parish centers have been abandoned and occupied by terrorists; 32 of the 40 primary schools have closed and four of the five diocesan convents were closed. Among the population there are 7,000 widows and 10,000 orphans as a result of the recent attacks, affirms the Scottish Catholic Observer. (May 11, 2019,
online edition)
Fr. Francis Arinze, communication director of the Diocese of Maiduguri, affirmed that bride-to-be Martha Bulus, her groom and bridal party were beheaded on December 26, 2019, when they were traveling to another city for the December 31 marriage ceremony. Ten men were also beheaded on that occasion on the day after Christmas.
The Islamic State – ISIS – claimed responsibility for the crime and said it was retaliation for the killing of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. (Cf. Crux, December 31, 2019, online edition)
Pope Francis did not find a word to say about these Nigerian martyrs. When the news of this crime reached the Vatican, Pope Francis was concerned about warning Catholics not to use their cell phones during meals… But he said nothing about the Catholic Nigerian martyrs.
Last September the Pope also inaugurated a massive monument honoring the immigrants in St. Peter Square. However, all this time he did not say a word about the Catholics murdered in Nigeria.
Shortly before that collective murder, he had made a dramatic appeal in favor of Muslim immigrants shipwrecked in the Mediterranean Sea. Indeed, he hung a Cross encircled by a life jacket in memory of immigrants who lost their lives there. The life jacket belonged to a man who died at sea. (Cf. Gatestone Institute, January 5, 2020, online edition)
That Cross was hung at an entrance of the Apostolic Palace where diplomats and heads of State arrive for audiences with the Pope.
On that occasion Francis affirmed: “I decided to expose here this life jacket, ‘crucified’ on this Cross, to remind us that we must keep our eyes open, keep our hearts open, to remind everyone of the absolute commitment to save every human life, a moral duty that unites believers and non-believers.”(Catholic Herald, December 20, 2019, online edition)
Then, Pope Bergoglio reprimanded the indifference and laziness of the West toward the plight of immigrants who have to face “a stormy sea rather than die slowly in Libya detention camps.” He added: “Sloth is a sin.” (Ibid.)
I positively agree that sloth and indifference can sometimes be sins. What is hard for me to understand is this: Why does Francis not see that he is committing a greater sin, which is to be silent about the Catholic Nigerian martyrs? To this sin should be added the grave injustice of abandoning their widows and orphans, a sin that can be included among those that cry out to Heaven for justice.
The Pope concluded his speech about the Muslim immigrants with these words: “We must help and save, because we are all responsible for the life of our neighbor, and the Lord will ask us for an account at the time of judgment.” (Ibid.)
Once again, I agree. This is true; the parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us to care for the life of our neighbor even when he does not profess the true Religion. But, what about the account that Pope Francis must make at the Divine Judgment when God will ask him what he did to protect the Nigerian martyrs?
FREEZING THE GLOBAL WARMING - The United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP-25 took place in Madrid from December 2-13. It was first planned to be held in Brazil to advance the AAA Corridor, but President Bolsonaro alleged economic reasons to decline hosting the event. Chile’s President Piñera offered to hold the Conference in Santiago, but the demonstrations that erupted in his country obliged a transfer to Madrid.
As in almost all these conferences the goal is to feed the hoax of global warming, to attack the fossil fuel industry, to promote class struggle of Indians against white men based on the “invasion of Indians' properties,” and the poor against the rich based on the “right to water.” All these banners are meant to advance Tribalism.
Contrary to expectations, however, in Madrid the environmentalists met with the direct opposition of the United States and Brazil, which prevented them from enacting the dramatic measures they had planned.
The words of the UN Secretary General Antônio Guterres on December 15 expressed well the final results of the meeting: “I am disappointed with the results of COP 25. The international community lost an important opportunity to show increased ambition on mitigation, adaptation and finance to tackle the climate crisis.” (National Catholic Reporter, January 10-25, 2020, p. 12)
COP is an acronym that stands for Conference of Parties. These annual conferences started in Bonn in 1995. Their goal is to implement the climate change agenda. The UN sets the goals, called ambitions; the countries report in each COP what they did or will do to reach those ambitions. The latest one in Madrid was COP 25.
The Vatican sent a delegation of 60 members to COP 25. In 2019 there were several “symbolic” ecological dates to be commemorated at that meeting: the fifth anniversaries of the Paris Agreement, Pope Francis Laudato Sí as well as the 50th celebration of Earth Day.
During the COP 25 meetings Pope Francis sent two messages encouraging its leaders to find “a clear, far-sighted and strong political will” to refocus global finances toward safeguarding the environment.” Later, in his message for the 2020 World Day of Peace, he called the world for “an ecological conversion.” (Ibid.)
It was with a bitter taste in the mouth that the L’Osservatore Romano reported the failure of COP 25:
“Disappointment is the sentiment that hovers after the closing of the UN Conference on climate change, the longest in history, where 200 countries gathered together in Madrid. Despite an extension of two days, the COP 25 was unable to fully answer the crucial questions regarding the climate emergency. Many people were calling it a failure. So, the ambitions that were introduced at the start were adjourned to the Bonn and Glasgow conferences to be held in 2020.” (L’Osservatore Romano, December 16, 2019, Italian online edition)
Thus, we see that a healthy cold wind froze the global warming revolutionary agenda…
Recently, in the Diocese of Maiduguri in North East Nigeria more than 5,000 Catholics have been killed, 100,000 have been displaced and 350 churches burned or vandalized by the attacks of the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram.
Nigerian Bishop Oliver Dashe in the remains of a Catholic church in Bahuli targeted by Boko Haram
Fr. Francis Arinze, communication director of the Diocese of Maiduguri, affirmed that bride-to-be Martha Bulus, her groom and bridal party were beheaded on December 26, 2019, when they were traveling to another city for the December 31 marriage ceremony. Ten men were also beheaded on that occasion on the day after Christmas.
The Islamic State – ISIS – claimed responsibility for the crime and said it was retaliation for the killing of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. (Cf. Crux, December 31, 2019, online edition)
Pope Francis did not find a word to say about these Nigerian martyrs. When the news of this crime reached the Vatican, Pope Francis was concerned about warning Catholics not to use their cell phones during meals… But he said nothing about the Catholic Nigerian martyrs.
Last September the Pope also inaugurated a massive monument honoring the immigrants in St. Peter Square. However, all this time he did not say a word about the Catholics murdered in Nigeria.
Francis dramatically sensitive regarding Muslims shipwrecked; but silent about Catholics massacred
That Cross was hung at an entrance of the Apostolic Palace where diplomats and heads of State arrive for audiences with the Pope.
On that occasion Francis affirmed: “I decided to expose here this life jacket, ‘crucified’ on this Cross, to remind us that we must keep our eyes open, keep our hearts open, to remind everyone of the absolute commitment to save every human life, a moral duty that unites believers and non-believers.”(Catholic Herald, December 20, 2019, online edition)
Then, Pope Bergoglio reprimanded the indifference and laziness of the West toward the plight of immigrants who have to face “a stormy sea rather than die slowly in Libya detention camps.” He added: “Sloth is a sin.” (Ibid.)
I positively agree that sloth and indifference can sometimes be sins. What is hard for me to understand is this: Why does Francis not see that he is committing a greater sin, which is to be silent about the Catholic Nigerian martyrs? To this sin should be added the grave injustice of abandoning their widows and orphans, a sin that can be included among those that cry out to Heaven for justice.
The Pope concluded his speech about the Muslim immigrants with these words: “We must help and save, because we are all responsible for the life of our neighbor, and the Lord will ask us for an account at the time of judgment.” (Ibid.)
Once again, I agree. This is true; the parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us to care for the life of our neighbor even when he does not profess the true Religion. But, what about the account that Pope Francis must make at the Divine Judgment when God will ask him what he did to protect the Nigerian martyrs?
FREEZING THE GLOBAL WARMING - The United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP-25 took place in Madrid from December 2-13. It was first planned to be held in Brazil to advance the AAA Corridor, but President Bolsonaro alleged economic reasons to decline hosting the event. Chile’s President Piñera offered to hold the Conference in Santiago, but the demonstrations that erupted in his country obliged a transfer to Madrid.
As in almost all these conferences the goal is to feed the hoax of global warming, to attack the fossil fuel industry, to promote class struggle of Indians against white men based on the “invasion of Indians' properties,” and the poor against the rich based on the “right to water.” All these banners are meant to advance Tribalism.
Contrary to expectations, however, in Madrid the environmentalists met with the direct opposition of the United States and Brazil, which prevented them from enacting the dramatic measures they had planned.
Guterres did not hide his disappointment
regarding the results of COP 25
COP is an acronym that stands for Conference of Parties. These annual conferences started in Bonn in 1995. Their goal is to implement the climate change agenda. The UN sets the goals, called ambitions; the countries report in each COP what they did or will do to reach those ambitions. The latest one in Madrid was COP 25.
The Vatican sent a delegation of 60 members to COP 25. In 2019 there were several “symbolic” ecological dates to be commemorated at that meeting: the fifth anniversaries of the Paris Agreement, Pope Francis Laudato Sí as well as the 50th celebration of Earth Day.
During the COP 25 meetings Pope Francis sent two messages encouraging its leaders to find “a clear, far-sighted and strong political will” to refocus global finances toward safeguarding the environment.” Later, in his message for the 2020 World Day of Peace, he called the world for “an ecological conversion.” (Ibid.)
It was with a bitter taste in the mouth that the L’Osservatore Romano reported the failure of COP 25:
“Disappointment is the sentiment that hovers after the closing of the UN Conference on climate change, the longest in history, where 200 countries gathered together in Madrid. Despite an extension of two days, the COP 25 was unable to fully answer the crucial questions regarding the climate emergency. Many people were calling it a failure. So, the ambitions that were introduced at the start were adjourned to the Bonn and Glasgow conferences to be held in 2020.” (L’Osservatore Romano, December 16, 2019, Italian online edition)
Thus, we see that a healthy cold wind froze the global warming revolutionary agenda…