NEWS: March 19, 2018
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
Yesterday the 8th World Water Forum started in Brasilia-Brazil. It is a meeting of representatives of 50 governments and other organizations around the world sponsored by the World Water Council, which is a UN-inspired association founded in France in 1996.
The meeting is programmed for six days, from March 18-23, and has been vigorously promoted by international newspapers turned toward Ecology. I read about it in L’Osservatore Romano, which nowadays is championing the spearhead themes of the Revolution.
So, we have the Red Communist Revolution that changed colors and became the Green Ecologist Revolution and, inside the latter, we have the "right to water" being presented as the polestar of ecological demands.
If you go to Marx’ theory of class-struggle, you will see that communists are always looking for pretexts to set one class against another. This provides them with a “noble banner” to wave, which in practice is nothing but a pretext for them to appear in the public arena to spread their nefarious ideas and increase the number of their coreligionists.
Following this strategy, communists set workers against factory owners, peasants against farmers, students against professors, soldiers against officers, women against men, children against parents, homosexuals against normal persons, and so on.
Now, Ecology is giving Communism a whole group of new banners to fight for: Capitalism is presented as a system that destroys the environment by polluting the atmosphere, encouraging consumerism, increasing fortunes and fostering inequality and rising poverty by unfairly distributing production. The most recent of these banners is the one of those who don't have water protesting against those who have itt.
The Revolution always favors this communist strategy, which means that at its full service is the whole institution of international finance and, consequently, the industry, commerce and politics.
So, if an industrial boss needs a loan, the bank manager will only grant it after making sure that the industrial CEO is following the winds of the Revolution. If a professor wants to rise in his career, he must show the directors of his university that he does not oppose any of these latest social-political demands. If a politician wants to be re-elected, he only can reach his goal after giving his party the guarantee that he will vote for all the laws that promote the socialist class-struggle aims.
For a very long time the Conciliar Church has been sprinkling these ecological demands with holy water. With the encyclical Laudato Si’ the papacy fully adopted these revolutionary ideals and took the leadership in promoting them. Now we have holy water blessing the class-struggle for water…
Water takes center stage
How did water become the center point of Ecology? In places like Europe and the United States, most of the social-political-economic problems have already been faced with solutions for them operational or in process – access to land, housing, work, social services, health care, retirement security, insurance against disasters, to mention just a few. So, the field for class-struggle is much narrower than in countries where these problems have not been addressed.
In Europe and the U.S., problems related to Ecology have given a new momentum to class-struggle, but they have the inconvenience of being too general and far removed from personal life: the increase of CO2 levels and its questionable global warming, the melting on the earth's poles, the rise of sea levels, the extinction of whales and polar bears, the disputable need to use paper vs. plastic bags in grocery stores.
Although the media and revolutionary demagogues speak constantly on these issues, enough common sense still remains in the Western mentality to reduce the practical effect of such demands, weakening the effects their promoters had expected. So, even if in Europe and the U.S. no one is dying of thirst, the water issue is designed to be a more cogent problem that will raise the attention of the public and help the class-struggle move forward.
We can understand how intolerably intrusive this campaign can become by imagining a community-watch-group in England obliging a man to keep the water of his morning shower to reuse it for his 5 o'clock tea or forcing his wife to stop watering the roses in her garden in order not to “deprive the poor” of their due share of water.
Oppressive program of the WWF
As a daily reader of L’Osservatore Romano, my attention was directed to the World Water Forum. Several days ago, I went to the page where the meetings’ schedules were posted. I found so many different topics to be addressed by the participants that I wondered whether they would have the actual time to even read them.
Indeed, I copied-and-pasted the meetings’ schedules and, by the time I finished, had more than 35,000 words filling 60 pages of regular paper. I thought: If only these schedules are taking me more than three days to read and analyze, how can those participants have the time to read and discuss these topics at ease? It is practically impossible.
I am posting these 60 pages here for any reader who wants to peruse them – the points that favor the Revolution and merit comment I changed to red text; explicit mention of Agenda 2030 that was prepared to bring mankind to the One World Order are marked in green.
Given the practical impossibility of addressing all those topics in six days of talks – the first and last days are planned to be only ceremonies, which leaves only four working days for the meetings – the next conclusion is: The organizers of this WWF are not actually interested in hearing what the participants have to say. Their own agenda is already prepared. The directors will allow the participants to make their observations, relevant or not, and then call for a vote on a final document, whose guidelines most probably have already been prepared.
Thus, like most of these “democratic” meetings, this gathering seems to have been convened just to give the impression of a general accord on the topic; in reality, there is a mafia controlling the program as well as the final decisions and texts.
Based on these presuppositions, in the next article I will begin my analysis of the more relevant points of the schedules, which concern Agenda 2030 – the plan of action for the Revolution to bring mankind to the One World Order in the next 12 years. I will try to put things in perspective to show that the need for water is now at the heart of the Ecological Revolution.
The meeting is programmed for six days, from March 18-23, and has been vigorously promoted by international newspapers turned toward Ecology. I read about it in L’Osservatore Romano, which nowadays is championing the spearhead themes of the Revolution.
The Vatican approves the Water Forum 8 with its revolutionary aims
If you go to Marx’ theory of class-struggle, you will see that communists are always looking for pretexts to set one class against another. This provides them with a “noble banner” to wave, which in practice is nothing but a pretext for them to appear in the public arena to spread their nefarious ideas and increase the number of their coreligionists.
Following this strategy, communists set workers against factory owners, peasants against farmers, students against professors, soldiers against officers, women against men, children against parents, homosexuals against normal persons, and so on.
Now, Ecology is giving Communism a whole group of new banners to fight for: Capitalism is presented as a system that destroys the environment by polluting the atmosphere, encouraging consumerism, increasing fortunes and fostering inequality and rising poverty by unfairly distributing production. The most recent of these banners is the one of those who don't have water protesting against those who have itt.
The Revolution always favors this communist strategy, which means that at its full service is the whole institution of international finance and, consequently, the industry, commerce and politics.
Francis calls for 'water rights' in Laudato Si’
For a very long time the Conciliar Church has been sprinkling these ecological demands with holy water. With the encyclical Laudato Si’ the papacy fully adopted these revolutionary ideals and took the leadership in promoting them. Now we have holy water blessing the class-struggle for water…
Water takes center stage
How did water become the center point of Ecology? In places like Europe and the United States, most of the social-political-economic problems have already been faced with solutions for them operational or in process – access to land, housing, work, social services, health care, retirement security, insurance against disasters, to mention just a few. So, the field for class-struggle is much narrower than in countries where these problems have not been addressed.
In Europe and the U.S., problems related to Ecology have given a new momentum to class-struggle, but they have the inconvenience of being too general and far removed from personal life: the increase of CO2 levels and its questionable global warming, the melting on the earth's poles, the rise of sea levels, the extinction of whales and polar bears, the disputable need to use paper vs. plastic bags in grocery stores.
Although the media and revolutionary demagogues speak constantly on these issues, enough common sense still remains in the Western mentality to reduce the practical effect of such demands, weakening the effects their promoters had expected. So, even if in Europe and the U.S. no one is dying of thirst, the water issue is designed to be a more cogent problem that will raise the attention of the public and help the class-struggle move forward.
We can understand how intolerably intrusive this campaign can become by imagining a community-watch-group in England obliging a man to keep the water of his morning shower to reuse it for his 5 o'clock tea or forcing his wife to stop watering the roses in her garden in order not to “deprive the poor” of their due share of water.
Oppressive program of the WWF
As a daily reader of L’Osservatore Romano, my attention was directed to the World Water Forum. Several days ago, I went to the page where the meetings’ schedules were posted. I found so many different topics to be addressed by the participants that I wondered whether they would have the actual time to even read them.
Participants receive a stressful schedule, almost impossible to read
I am posting these 60 pages here for any reader who wants to peruse them – the points that favor the Revolution and merit comment I changed to red text; explicit mention of Agenda 2030 that was prepared to bring mankind to the One World Order are marked in green.
Given the practical impossibility of addressing all those topics in six days of talks – the first and last days are planned to be only ceremonies, which leaves only four working days for the meetings – the next conclusion is: The organizers of this WWF are not actually interested in hearing what the participants have to say. Their own agenda is already prepared. The directors will allow the participants to make their observations, relevant or not, and then call for a vote on a final document, whose guidelines most probably have already been prepared.
Thus, like most of these “democratic” meetings, this gathering seems to have been convened just to give the impression of a general accord on the topic; in reality, there is a mafia controlling the program as well as the final decisions and texts.
Based on these presuppositions, in the next article I will begin my analysis of the more relevant points of the schedules, which concern Agenda 2030 – the plan of action for the Revolution to bring mankind to the One World Order in the next 12 years. I will try to put things in perspective to show that the need for water is now at the heart of the Ecological Revolution.
Putting water on center stage of the revolutionary plan for a One World Order