Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Youth dance before St. Maria Goretti's relics
St. Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890, into a farming family in the city of Corinaldo in the province of Ancona, Italy, which belongs to the Diocese of Senigallia. The 11-year-old girl was fatally wounded defending her virginity from an attack by a young man, Serenelli, on July 5, 1902. The crime ocurred in Ferrera di Conca where her parents had gone looking for a better job. She was transferred to a hospital in the nearby city of Nettuno where she was unsuccessfully treated. She died from the stab wounds on July 6.She was beatified in 1947 and canonized in 1955 by Pius XII. Her remains are venerated in Our Lady of Graces Sanctuary in Nettuno, in the Diocese of Albano.
At times the Diocese of Albano allows the relics of the Saint to return to her native city of Corinaldo. The last time was five years ago. This year of 2025, the relics were sent to Corinaldo to be honored by its faithful from January 27 to February 2. It caused a great joy for all the local Catholics. Masses, processions and ceremonies were made to honor the Saint.
Into this festive atmosphere the dance we see above was inserted. It was performed by members of the Comunità Cenacolo, Cenacle Community.
This group was founded by Madre Elvira Petrozzi to assist young men and women who were addicted to drugs and other vices and bring them back to the Faith: A worthy mission.
Madre Elvira, however, gave these youth a progressivist-pentecostal formation with an emphasis on dancing, including liturgical dancing. The spirituality she passed to them is based on the visions of Medjugorje.
Therefore, to honor the coming of the relics of St. Maria Goretti to her native city, the Cenacle Community brought a group of six adolescent dancer to perform to a music – Ganas de Vivir (I am eager to live) – by Protestant Spanish singer Kike Pavon.
Neither the liturgical dance nor the rhythm nor the Protestant inspiration of the music were appropriate to be performed inside of a Catholic church where the relics of a glorious local Saint were present.
We blame not the youth, but the religious authorities who organized the ceremonies, and Madre Elvira for the progressivist formation she gave them.
Below first row, the Cenacle Community in action performing another liturgical dance; in the other rows, some close-ups of Madre Elvira.
Photos from this video & the Internet