Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Text: Click on the photo above to watch the part of the interview
where Sister Caran affirms Fernandez is a 'gay'
Is 'Tucho' Fernandez a 'gay'?
To this question, Sister Lucia Caram affirms: "Yes, he is 'gay.'" The statement can be checked in the footage of the TV show we reproduce above for our readers.Sr. Lucia Caram is an outspoken Argentinian Dominican nun living in Spain. On September 18, 2023, she was invited to an interview on the Telecinco TV show Cuentos Chinos (Chinese Fables) directed by Jorge Javier Vazquez.
To our knowledge up to this day Sr. Caram has not retracted her affirmation.
If Fernandez is a known homosexual, why would Francis elevate him to the Cardinalate and invite him to be Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, if not to promote this vice against nature? Is such an appointment not a mockery of the function of the Prefect of this Congregation whose duty is to preserve the unity of the Faith and Morals?
Context: Click on the photo above to watch the
part of the interview
where Sister Caran affirms Fernandez is a 'gay'
Photos from the two videos reproduced above