Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
What is behind Francis' support for homosexuality?
On October 17, 2023, Pope Francis received the full staff of New Ways Ministry, a progressivist American organization founded to support and give assistance to homo men and women, above. From the left, we see Mr. Matthew Myers, Fr. Francis DeBernardo, the Pope, Sister Jeannine Gramick and Mr. Robert Shine, all members of NWM staff.NWM was founded by Sister Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Francis DeBernardo in 1977. The organization as well as their founders have received condemnations from the American Bishops and then Card. Joseph Ratzinger.
In June 2021, Francis sent a letter of support to Fr. DeBernardo and called Sr. Jeannine "a valiant woman." Now, he has received Sr. Jeannine in a private audience. The nun asked Francis if she could bring the full staff of NWM with her and he joyfully agreed and gave 50 minutes of his time to the group.
Some weeks ago, on September 29, 2023, he received, again, Fr. James Martin, who is also a known defender of homosexuality, below first row. Let us not forget that Pope Bergoglio named Martin to be a consultant to the Holy See's Secretariat for Communications. Further, Francis honored Martin with two letters praising his work with LGBT people. (here and here).
In March 2021, Francis appointed Chilean homosexual Juan Carlos Cruz to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, and one month later he received and embraced him, last row.
In July this year Francis named Arch. Victor Fernandez to be the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, last row. The Prelate is positively pro-homosexual and is even suspected of being one of them.
On October 2, 2023, two days before the opening of the Synod, Card. Fernandez made public the Pope's answer to the Dubia of the five Cardinals, in which he admits that the Church could bless homosexual couples so long as it is not confused with marriage.
All of these things represent very serious official papal positions. However, we are only pointing out a few examples from a long cascade of gestures and facts made by Francis that indisputably follow the same line of acceptance and welcome of the sodomite vice.
Considering this constant support, obviously against the natural order and opposed to the bi-millennial doctrine of the Catholic Church, the question that comes to everyone's mind but no one asks is this: Is Francis also a homosexual?
If this is the case, it would explain why, besides being a progressivist whose agenda is to support this anti-natural vice, he might also be obliged to take their part in order not to be "outed" by past partners, who could make demands to prevent them from revealing his proved "preferences"...
The precedent of the professed homosexual Roger Peyrefitte accusing Paul VI of being a homosexual, corroborated by Prof. Franco Bellegrandi, who served for years at the Vatican, allows us to raise this possibility regarding Francis.
Photos from New Ways Ministry & Internet
Posted October 22, 2023
