Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Inconveniences of a papal kiss
On Holy Thursday of this year, Francis went to a prison in Rome and chose 12 women inmates to perform the Washing of the Feet ceremony, above.By choosing women to symbolize the 12 Apostles whose feet Christ washed prior to the celebration of the Last Supper, Francis clearly sent the message that he would like women to become priests and bishops. It is very bad! Very bad! He took part in that ceremony, as always, fulfilling the agenda of Progressivism.
But, something seems to have gone out of control in that performance. In the photo above, Pope Bergoglio appears so intent, so tender and so loving as he kisses the foot of that woman, that he gives the impression of taking some special pleasure in the action.
We know that he could be in sublime ecstasy meditating on the day of the Institution of the Priesthood...
But the inconvenience is that his gesture and emotions look very much like those who practice foot fetishism, as shown in the selection below.
Just a coincidence... Just a coincidence...
Photos from the Vatican & the Internet