Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Same sex & feminist decisions by German Bishops
The Fifth Synodal Meeting of the German Bishops (March 9-11) closed yesterday in Frankfurt. The highlights of the discussions were the approval of blessings for same sex couples, a call for the universal Church to ordain women deacons, and a request for Rome to reexamine priestly celibacy.Above, we see lay delegates at the Synod cheering at the moment when the measure for same sex blessings was approved.
Below, are photos of the feminist movement kfd (Katholische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschslands - the Catholic Women's Association of Germany) demonstrating for equal rights on Thursday, March 9, in front and inside Frankfurt Cathedral as the Fifth Synod Meeting started.
Unfortunately, we know that for 60 years all of the Conciliar Popes – and Pope Francis for the last10 years – have been razing the doctrinal barriers that prevented these revolutionary measures from being officially accepted.
If these changes are accepted by Rome, will the official structure of Catholic Church remain Catholic or be completely divorced from its own identity?
Photos from CNA/Jonathan Liedl/National Catholic Register & AP/Michael Probst

Posted March 12, 2023