Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
Francis ordains women lector & catechists
On January 22, 2023, during a solemn Mass concelebrated with 8 Cardinals and 12 Bishops, Pope Francis ordained a woman lector and 5 women as catechists.On August 15, 1972, Paul VI changed the orders in the Church, abolishing the order of Sub-Deacon and renaming them ministries. On January 11, 2021, Francis changed the Code of Canon Law through the motu proprio Spiritus Domini to allow women to be ordained lectors and acolytes. Later that year, on May 11, 2021, he established a new ministry, the ministry of catechists.
The photo above documents the ceremony this past January 22, where he ordained a Filipino woman as lector. This year she was the only woman lector installed, below first row, second from the left, although he also ordained another 5 women as catechists, from the left, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.
Last year on January 23 he ordained many women as lectors and catechists, as shown below second row down.
Until the year 2021 with the Spiritus Domini a woman had never received minor orders, even though women have long exercised those functions in the Conciliar Church. Thus, Francis is breaking the official legal tradition, opening the doors to ordaining women-deacons and women-priests. It is a process that is reaching its final steps.
It is also another important landmark to confirm the great apostasy of the Conciliar Church and its rupture from Catholic Tradition, which has always taught that the Minor and Major Orders are only for men.
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano, January 23, 2023, &
Reuters video

Posted January 29, 2023