Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A Swiss 'priestess' retires
For 37 years Monika Schmid, above center with open arms, has been in charge of the religious services at St. Martin Church in Illnau-Effretikon, Switzerland. She received a "mandate" from the local Bishop to celebrate baptisms and marriages, besides leading the weekly prayer services and delivering the sermons.On August 28, 2022, Monika retired at age 65 and was replaced by Fr. Felix Hunger, above first from the left. On that occasion a Mass was concelebrated by the new Pastor and Fr. Josef Regli, fourth from the left. At the Consecration, the priests said the first part of the Institution and Monika said the last words, "Do this in remembrance of me." That is to say, she also concelebrated.
As far as we know, it is the first time a woman concelebrated a Mass with at least the tacit authorization of the local Bishop, Msgr. Joseph Maria Bonnemain. It is a precedent contrary to two millennia of Catholic teaching worthy of registering in the progressivist annals of the Conciliar Church.
Also present at the altar were theologian Marion Grabenweger, above secod from the left, and Deacon Stefan Arnold, with a rainbow stole.
Below first row, Monika entering the altar holding a staff she adopted as church leader; second row, sitting barefoot and smiling before her sermon; third and fourth rows, delivering her farewell sermon; sixth row, preparing for the consecration.
In the seventh row, she is pictured in 2012 with other Swiss church representatives lobbying for the approval of the blessing for homosexuals. Eighth and ninth rows, the exterior and interior of St. Martin Church in Illnau-Effretikon
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Posted September 25, 2022