Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Buddhist monks received at the Vatican
On June 17, 2022, Pope Bergoglio received a delegation of 33 Buddhist monks plus 60 lay men and women from Thailand. The encounter took place at the Clementine Hall in the Apostolic Palace, above.The meeting was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Paul VI's historic meeting with the Supreme Buddhist priest of Thailand on June 5, 1972.
In his address, Francis affirmed that "Buddha and Jesus understood the need to overcome the egoism that generates conflicts and violence." He continued: "It is our duty to lead our respective followers to a living sense that we are all brothers and sisters."
With these words, Francis continues the unceasing conciliar policy of denying the unicity of our Holy Faith and supporting the statement that all religions lead to eternal salvation. In other words, it is a confirmation of the great apostasy from the Catholic Faith and the affirmation of the heresy of universal salvation.
Below first and second rows, two photos of the meetings on this past June 17. Third row, Thai Buddhist Authority who met with Paul VI in 1972; fourth row, John Paul II receiving Japanese Buddhists at St. Peter's Square on April 28, 2004; fifth row, Benedict XVI on June 21, 2006; last row, Francis visiting Thai Supreme Buddhist authority in Bangkok on November 21, 2019.
Photos from the Vatican & Internet

Posted June 19, 2022