Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
New 'bro' papal handshake
On Saturday April 9, 2022, Pope Francis received in Clementine Hall at the Vatican a delegation of the Royal Rowing Club of the Tiber River (Reale Circolo Canottiere Tevere Remo) to commemorate the 150th anniversary of its foundation.
On that occasion he inaugurated a new informal style of papal handshake, above, normally referred to as the "bro handshake" or "dap handshake." It is a common way of telling another: "You are my brother, my equal."
It not surprising that the author of Fratelli tutti would adopt this style of greeting persons. Below, two gifs of how this greeting normally takes place.
What is surprising it that a Pope would greet anyone this way, since he is the Vicar of Christ, who is God. Some serious authors, such as Card. Charles Journet, sustain that when a Pope breaks with the past customs of the Papacy he becomes schismatic.
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano, april 14, 2022 & Internet

Posted April 17, 2022