Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Stamp commemorates Francis' gift to Jews
Above is a reproduction of the stamp of Pope Francis giving a codex to rabbi Riccardo di Segni at the synagogue of Rome on January 17, 2016.The stamp was issued on February 22, 2021, as the first in a series of four “interfaith” stamps to celebrate the 9th year of Francis' Pontificate.
In the stamp Francis is featured presenting the rabbi with 5 pages of a 14th century Jewish manuscript commenting on the book of Leviticus, classified in the Vatican Archives as Codex Vaticano Ebraico 700.
The book of Jewish commentary – called a sifra or midrash – is precious to the Jews because it is part of the laws – possibly written by Maimonides or at least during his lifetime – that Talmudic Jews are required to follow.
We see that the gesture of Francis – as well as the recent issuing of this Vatican stamp – is an indirect way to state that the Catholic Church is not the only True Religion. Judaism, which rejects Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Word of God, would also be a religion that leads to eternal salvation.
Photos from
Call Me Jorge

Posted August 8, 2021