Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis is awarded a menorah by Israel
Some days after Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium in which he affirms that the Covenant of God with the Jews "has never been revoked" (§ 247), he received a symbolic gift from the current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.Indeed, the papal document was signed on November 24, 2013, and on December 2, Netanyahu gave him a menorah at the Vatican, on behalf of Israel.
As we recall, after the destruction of the Temple in 70 D.C. by the Romans, the only visible symbol that remained of the old alliance of God with the Jews was a menorah. It was brought by Titus from Jerusalem to Rome. In the 5th century the Vandals looted Rome and transported it to Carthage; in the 6th century Belisarius took it from Carthage to Constantinople and delivered it to Justinian. In his turn, Justinian gave it to the Jews of Jerusalem. After that it disappeared. Probably the Jews retain it in some unknown place to this day.
It is expressive that Netanyahu gave Francis a symbolic menorah to thank him for his stand favorable to the Jews, but against Scriptures. As a matter of fact, St. Paul in his Epistles clearly affirms that the New Testament revoked the Old (Heb 8:13, Rom 9: 25-26, 30-32).
Thus, another significant deed of Francis is to reject St. Paul and affirm the Jews in the Old Testament. Doing so, Bergoglio also implicitly denies the New Testament, the Catholic Church as the heir of the Old Testament and Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah...
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