Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Canadian Catholic University flies rainbow flag
St. Jerome's University (SJU) - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - began the month of June by hoisting a rainbow flag onto it official university flag pole in a ceremony on its campus.Actually, on June 1, 2020, SJU’s Interim President Dr. Scott Kline, second row below at the podium, delivered a short speech opening "pride month" and raising the rainbow flag, symbol of the LGBT movement.
KIine stressed that this act signaled that "all are welcome in this place." Continuing his expression of indisputable support for homosexuality, he said: "We, the St. Jerome’s University community, are here this morning to mark the first day of Pride Month by raising the Progress Pride Flag, which will fly until the end of June."
He ended by proposing that the audience sing with him the song "All Are Welcome."
There seems to be no doubt that this initiative counts on the backing of the Bishop of Hamilton, David Crosby, and the Cardinal of Toronto, Thomas Collins. We don't believe that any reader is so naïve as to imagine that the Vatican of Pope Francis raised or will raise any objections either.
Before Vatican II, the month of June in the Catholic Church was traditionally dedicated to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, the authorities honor homosexuality instead...
This is an expressive example of how the Conciliar Church places itself increasingly far from the Catholic Church, her Piety, her Faith and her Morals.
Photos from St. Jerome University site, first seen in

Posted June 7, 2020