Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A red & rotten Lula blessed by Bergoglio
On February 13, 2020, Pope Bergoglio opened his arms and heart to receive and bless the corrupt communist Brazilian ex-President Lula da Silva at the Vatican.Indeed, besides being a known communist (here, here, here and here), Lula was condemned to more than 29 years of prison for corruption and money laundering. After serving a part of his term in prison, he is under home arrest and received special permission to travel to Rome to visit his comrade Francis.
The support Francis gave to this red and rotten politician is yet more evidence that this Pope is a persuaded communist who does not fear sacrificing his own prestige on the altar of his leftist ideology.
Photos from Lula's Twitter, PT channel, & Internet

Posted February 16, 2020