Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Sacrilegious Communion of a transsexual in Argentina
Edgardo Luis Tagliani assumed the feminine name of "Lizy" after his transsexual surgery. Today he is a known stylist in Argentina. On April 19, 2018, he committed Eucharistic sacrilege on live television.The Argentinian TV show called “Cortá por Lozano” covers news and celebrity gossip, encouraging every kind of brazen immorality. The hostess – Verónica Lozano – invited Tagliani to the show as a field reporter. The occasion was the feast of St. Expeditus, an Armenian martyr who is particularly venerated in the outskirts of Buenos Aires with outdoor Masses.
So, Tagliani, working as a reporter, covered the story. The complete video of the program can be seen here on Youtube (our focus is the episode 19:26 - 20:00).
At the outdoor Mass in front of the Church of Our Lady of Balvanera, Tagliani approached a female Eucharistic minister and asked her for Communion. Surprisingly, the hostess and other men in the TV studio can be heard trying to stop the transgender, admonishing him not to do so because one must go to confession and be in a state of grace to receive Communion.
Disregarding the warnings, Tagliani motions to the minister, saying sarcastically “Well, I will receive [Communion]. I don’t know how free I am from sin, perhaps I told some little lie.” The minister motions to him and Tagliani says with a floppy wrist and devilish grin, “Can I?” The minister puts the Host on his tongue.
The hostess and studio workers express shock, saying “No, that can’t be done…” Tagliani waits a moment, then shamelessly says : “Well, let’s see if I disintegrate!” The hostess, exploiting the reaction of shock, praises the brazen “liberty” and “love” of the moment.
In these times when we have Pope Francis receiving transsexuals at the Vatican and Cardinals giving Communion to them, the pressure on Bishops and parish priests to do the same is tremendous. Although this sacrilege in Argentina calls for our reparation, we should not be afraid to conclude that the corruption comes from the top. This reminds us of the comments by Card. Mario Luigi Ciappi about the content of the Third Secret of Fatima: "The great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top."

Photos from a
video on Youtube (starts at 19:26)

Posted May 6, 2018