Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
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Flamboyant priest sets the tone for the New Evangelization
On this page you can see multiple facets of Fr. Samuele Battistella's personality. He is an Italian priest of the Diocese of Casale Monferrato, in the northwest of the country.We believe he is an expressive example of how a young priest is trained to be, when he orients his career to be a parish priest and a bishop. Battistella has divided his life in two parts: the normal pastoral life – below rows one to five – and his theater performances – above and below, rows six to ten.
In his Church life, he adopts an effeminate look, assuming histrionic poses – second row below – to make himself popular with his parishioners. He is obviously effeminate, with some indications of homosexuality, especially when one considers his rainbow socks – second row – and his complete naturality with dressing as a woman, in the two photos above. He also seems to indicate a tendency to pedophilia (or in more technical terms, ephebophilia) when one sees him embracing young men – below rows three and four.
In his theater life, he chose to name his troupe The Calling, which seems to reflect that Battistella's first idea is to call people to follow his model, supposedly to bring people to the Church.
If this is true, Battistella expresses well
what the New Evangelization is about...
Photos from the Internet & Fr. Battistella's Facebook

Posted February 4, 2018