Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Self-Communion in the Philippines
First, it was Communion kneeling and on the tongue, as it should be; then, it became Communion standing and on the tongue; next, it went to Communion standing and in the hand. All these steps suppose a priest or at least a Eucharistic minister to give Communion to the faithful.Now, we are facing a new step in the liturgical revolution: the introduction of self-Communion by the faithful.
The improprieties/profanations are these:
- Laypeople touch the sacred species, a practice that should be restricted to consecrated hands;
- The priest cannot control who is receiving the Eucharist;
- This practice allows blasphemies and profanations to be made by enemies of the Church as well as scandalous sinners;
- Laypeople including women enter the presbytery, which should be reserved to priests and his acolytes;
- Women and men are inappropriately dressed;
- Women do not wear veils to receive Communion.
This practice was also introduced in Italy, as can be viewed in this clip. From these experiences we can suppose that a new step of the Conciliar Revolution is being tested so that it can be introduced everywhere.
Photos from video

Posted June 25, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.