Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Novus Ordo desecration in Costa Rica
What is that white particle the woman above is placing in the pocket of the man in the red shirt? It is a part of the Holy Eucharist she had just received at the Cathedral of San Jose in Costa Rica on Sunday, February 7, 2010.
Who agreed to give her Communion for that purpose? It was the Archbishop of San Jose, Hugo Barrantes Urena. You can see her speaking with him and explaining what she wanted to do before he gave her the Holy Host, below first row.
The man who received the Eucharist in such conditions is Otto Guevara, a presidential candidate in the Costa Rican elections that were held on that same day February 7, 2010. He came in third place. Guevara did not go to receive Communion because he is divorced from his wife and lives with his "girlfriend" or better said, his concubine.
The woman who received Communion and placed the other half in Guevara's shirt pocket is Deborah Formal, none other than Guevara's "girlfriend"... She explained her actions saying, “Before receiving Communion I asked the Archbishop if I could share the blessing with Otto. ... I tried to do something that would allow Otto to carry a part of God in his heart.”
You can arrive at your own conclusions about who is more guilty in this sacrilege.
We invite you to make an act of reparation to Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist.
Below, the sequence of pictures demonstrating the desecration. The woman speaks with the Archbishop, receives Communion, then returns to her pew while she consumes half the host. The other half she holds in her fingers, seats herself behind Guevara, stands up to place the Host in his shirt pocket, then steps back to her place and sits again.
You may watch the video here.
/352_CostaRica01.jpg) Noticias Repretel TV & Radio Cristiandad |
Posted February 07, 2010

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