Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope Bergoglio shuns Cuban dissidents
As the popemobile approached Revolution Square in Havana bringing Francis to celebrate his Mass on September 20, 2015, some Cuban anti-communist dissidents were standing along the route to manifest their claim for liberty of expression. They shouted their requests and held up their hands making an L, the sign of liberty, and the V of victory, which obviously translates to: "We don't have liberty in Cuba, intercede for us."Their gazes were turned to the Pontiff to see whether he would stop the vehicle, step down and come to them to show his support for their just request. But this did not happen; their manifestation was to no avail; the Pope did not want to hear them. The great "defender of human rights" for homosexuals, Muslim immigrants, heretics and Jews turned a deaf ear to the clamor of anti-communist Catholics... He ignored them, turning his face to the other side of the road to greet other people.
The courageous and idealist dissidents were left to the brutal custody of the police, which had a multitude of undercover agents among the audience cheering Francis.
Not to mention the hundreds of known opponents of the Communist Tyrany who were kept under house arrest during the entire time Francis was on the Island.
Hours later, Bergoglio would be embracing Fidel Castro, and just some minutes after these scenes of arrest he would be applauded by an exhilarated Raul Castro, last row.
Is anything else necessary to realize that we have a Communist Pope?
Photos from the Internet

Posted October 4, 2015