Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Rock festival in Varese for the relics of Don Bosco
The right hand and arm of St. John Bosco are placed in a wax simulacrum of the Saint's body. This precious reliquary has visited more than 130 countries around the world.On January 31, 2014, Varese, in Lombardy, was the first city to receive the relics. Don Bosco was born in Castelnuovo, also in Lombardy. Varese is the center of both a Salesian Institute for priests and an Institute for Sisters, each of which has schools for youth.
So, a huge youth festival was organized in the Basilica of San Vittore in downtown Varese to receive the remains of Don Bosco. The music to celebrate the Saint was neither Gregorian Chant nor Baroque Hymns, but a wild rock'n roll, whose rhythm and movement are inspired, as it is known, by the movements of the sexual act. Everyone present at the event danced to the rhythm of electric guitars that were set up in the presbyterium.
Adding to the general anarchy, children were encouraged to direct paper airplanes to reach the crystal urn where the simulacrum was placed.
How far indeed we are from the solemn ceremonies that we used to have to celebrate the Saints! And how close we are getting inside the Church to the kingdom of Satan proper to rock music!
A video of the event is available here
Photos from the video

Posted June 28, 2015