Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The legacy of a conciliar Bishop
Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester, New York, had a very successful career. He was Bishop of that important city for 33 years and retired in September 2012 at the prescribed age of 75. We can surmise, therefore, that the Vatican considered him a Bishop in good standing.On this page, we see, above, a photo of the Mass he said on October 15, 2012, in thanksgiving for his many years as the head of the Diocese. We can note Clark in the background at right. His taste for women in revealing/provocative dresses is confirmed in the photo below first row, where we see a woman dancing in transparent clothes, allowing her intimate underwear to be viewed. She performed for his Mass on September 16, 2012.
In the second row is a photo of a Mass for a ceremony of Confirmation said in 2012. Here also we see transparent dresses worn by dancers performing an extravagant choreography.
In the third row, we see Clark concelebrating a Mass with a priest for students of Rochester in 2007.
Once this becomes the normal pattern for a conciliar Bishop, we have a substantiation of the warning Sister Lucia transmitted to Fr. Augustin Fuentes in 1957 when she said Catholics should no longer wait for priests, Bishops or the authorities in Rome to take the initiative of doing what Our Lady asked.
Photos sent by a reader from Germany & Internet
Posted December 21, 2014