Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Introducing liturgical dance in New Castle, Australia
Have you thought about the best way - if you were a Bishop - to introduce liturgical dance in your Diocese? We believe the best way would be to find a Catholic dance school for girls - very young girls - and then invite the group to perform in your Cathedral.You would certainly have the applause of the parents, who would be proud to have their daughters performing on such a prestigious "theater." Also, their friends would be charmed: "She was so cute!"; The ladies in the audience would rave, "What lovely, innocent children!" raising a psychological barrier against any criticism of the performance.
If you were to choose this route, you would prove to be a shrewd progressivist Bishop. After that performance, the door would be open for every other liturgical dance.
This was precisely what Bishop William Wright of Maitland-New Castle, Australia, did on May 14, 2014. He invited the Aspire Ensemble, a dancing group for girls, to perform at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Above, you see the Bishop seated in his cathedra framed by the raised bare arms of girls in tight leotards.
It is outrageous to have women - girls included, no matter how young the girl may be - dressed in leotards dancing before the altar. The church is the house of God, which is reserved to renew the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ at Golgotha and, by this act, to glorify God. No profane activity should take place in the church except for very noble activities, like a performance of a sacred theater, and even then, the Holy Sacrament should be previously removed from the place.
Below, some shots of the event showing very young and adolescent girls displaying their dancing talents along with their bodies inside Sacred Heart Cathedral.
In the last row, you see Bill, which is how the Bishop likes to be called - wearing a rainbow-colored scarf as he gives an interview to a local radio station.
A four-minute video of this performance can be viewed here.
Photos from the video & Internet

Posted May 25, 2014