Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis greets Buddhist
In the open-air general audience on October 8, 2014, Pope Francis directed himself to the spot reserved for personalities to greet a Buddhist who offered him the book Your Jesus, My Buddha.The cordial smiles of the Pope send the wrong message that there are no serious differences between Catholicism and Buddhism. The reality is that Buddhism preaches as an after-death ideal the annihilation of our persons and plunge into nirvana, or nothingness; on the other hand, Catholicism preaches the eternal possession of the Beatific Vision, which is the complete fulfillment of our persons.
This kind of demonstration of unity with pagan religions is another falsity of the post-conciliar inter-religious dialogue in order to chase the goal of a universal Panreligion.
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano, first seen in Radio Cristiandad

Posted October 12, 2014