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Jewish ceremonies in a Catholic church
The Holy Family Catholic Church in Inverness, Illinois, allowed the Beth Tikvah Jewish congregation to use its altar and church to celebrate the Rosh Hashanah from September 24 to 26, 2014, above. The Jews also returned to the church to celebrate Yom Kippur on October 3 and 4. The alleged reason for these acts is that their synagogue in Hoffman Estates – not far from the church – is not large enough to accommodate them.To perform their liturgical acts the Jews covered the Crucifix of Our Lord Jesus Christ – Whom they boldly reject – with the full agreement of the local pastor.
The Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and its ceremonies includes the sounding of a shofar – a liturgical ram's horn – below. This is the tenth year in a row that these ceremonies have been hosted in Holy Family Church, with the implicit approval of the local Bishop.
For the parish webpage reporting these events, click here; for a news report, here.
Photos from the Internet

Posted October 5, 2014