Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pantomimes in the presbytery - Campinas, Brazil
Every Sunday it is the same thing. Before the 11 a.m. Mass in Christ the King Parish in Campinas, São Paulo, there is a 30-minute performance for children of a scene from some story or fairy tale. In principle, we do not have any problem with promoting skits to entertain children and to divert their parents.The problem is that in this case the stage for these pantomimes is the church presbytery. No respect whatsoever is shown either to the Tabernacle or to the altar, which becomes a piece of set furniture for the players to hide under or a table to hold the portable microphones. It is an indisputable desecration of the House of God.
The one responsible for this parish is Canon Luis Carlos Magalhães, the right hand man of the Archbishop of Campinas. Canon Magalhães is pictured in the last row below, at the entrance of the Cathedral.
Photos from Fratres in unum
Posted August 26, 2012