Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Focolare dancing at the Vatican
In the inter-planetary atmosphere of the Paul VI Hall, the contorted bronze art work on the stage symbolizes an agonizing nature from which a risen Christ erupts (first row below) as a leap of the universal evolutionary process. This is the frame for another strange scene, above: euphoric dancers in white attire open their arms, while in the center, a man in a lime green shirt raises up a woman in a kind of religious offering to some deity.Are we witnessing some pagan festivity? Perhaps the first steps of a cult to Bios, Zeus or Eros? It could well be, but it is not the case. These dancer are part of the show Life, Light & Love that the Focolare Movement performed on September 25, 2010, at the Vatican in honor of one of its members, Chiara Luce Badano, who died and was beatified on the fast track by Benedict XVI.
In the first, second and third rows below, other shots of the show in a mysterious twilight background. In the fourth, an overview of the spectacle where, in passing, we can distinguish the circles on the ceiling of the stage representing the Cosmos.
Here is a sample of what is meant when the Vatican speaks about New Evangelization, of which the Focolare Movement is one of the pillars. It is a whole different concept of sanctity and religion...
To watch the video, click here.
Photos from Focolare website & video

Posted April 22, 2012