Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
How the Blessed Sacrament Is Carried in Public in Guadalajara
It is June 11, 2010, and a parish on the outskirts of Guadalajara, Mexico, is celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with a street procession.
The pastor chose not to carry the monstrance with the Sacred Host, but asked a female eucharistic minister to do so. Thus, we see a woman taking the place of the priest in a solemn public event for that small community. What is the message being sent to those Catholics if not that it does not matter if the priest is a man or a woman?
Seeing that a photographer was spotlighting the woman-minister, the priest entered the picture to take the monstrance from her before the procession arrived at his church, last row below. He did so not out of fear of God, but fear of the photographer...
We just wonder whether he really believes in the Real Presence.
For the video in Youtube, while it lasts, click here.
Posted August 29, 2010

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