Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A Muslim Nativity in Switzerland
In reaction to the decision of the Swiss people (57%) to forbid the construction of minarets in their country, Franciscan Fr. Callisto Caldelari hosted a strange Nativity in his church in the city of Bellinzona, capital of the Swiss Canton of Ticino. Fr. Caldelari is the pastor of Sacred Heart Church.
Indeed, as seen above, the Divine Infant lies in the Church's Baptismal Font, with six minarets tipped with Crescents lined up in two rows in front of him. At the foot of the Font a book was placed, opened to a page presenting quotes from both the Koran and the Bible. On the brick wall hang symbols of Judaism and Islamism. We are not sure about the third enigmatic symbol, which could represent Freemasonry or Alchimia or something else we don't know.
Two parishioners, Mateo Casoni and Letizia Fontana, are responsible for this inter-confessional "artistic" montage, which was hosted in the Church on December 23, 2009. Their display is a protest against the vote of the majority of the Swiss people and uses a Catholic Church as a platform to promote Islamism.
Fr. Caldelari, who approved the display, pretends that the Nativity is in accordance with "our [Catholic] spirituality." Attempting to dilute the gravity of the blasphemy, he noted that this year the church was displaying a variety of Nativity scenes - from traditional to modern - on different days.
One could hardly expect Bishop Pier Giacomo Grampa of Lugano to censure Fr. Caldelari for his offensive Nativity. After all, didn't the Vatican II Declaration Nostrae aetate tell Catholics to respect Judaism and Islamism and to accept whatever they can from these false religions?
Below, shots from different angles of the same scene. Last row, the Sacred Heart Church with a photo of Fr. Caldelari.
Posted January 10, 2010

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