Consequences of Vatican II
No, Holy Father, the Crusades
Were Not Misunderstandings!
Julio Alvear, Spain
On May 9, 2009, S.S. Benedict XVI entered the principal mosque of Amman to pronounce another ecumenical speech characteristic of his pontificate. Benedict XVI found himself in a significant temple of that religion which in the past almost annihilated all of Eastern Christendom. Only a few Catholic places were left thanks to a healthy resistance.

On the steps of the Amman mosque, Benedict expresses his joy for watering down the Catholic Faith |
Islam also challenged the existence of Western Christendom. The Spanish people are well aware of this, since the very life and spirit of this nation were shaped by their long fight against the Moors. From the 8th to 15th century those kingdoms that today constitute Spain forged a political and religious unity in the struggle against the attacks of Islam. From Don Pelayo to El Cid, from St. Ferdinand to Isabella the Catholic and Don Juan of Austria, Spain became the sword of Christendom - fighting the followers of Mohammed.
Yet what dire times we live in today! Times where everything has become relative, watered-down! And we Catholics entered this process from the Second Vatican Council on. We are abandoning our old convictions. But we have not done this just on our own initiative - and this is our worst calamity. From the sacred heights of the Throne of Peter, we received encouragement to do so. This is also the greatest tragedy.
Since that malefic declaration Nostra aetate, promulgated by Paul VI on October 28, 1965 during the Council, the Pontiffs - Paul VI himself, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI - have spread among the Catholic people the humanist and naturalist ecumenical ideas dreamed of by the revolutionaries of the Enlightenment. They have encouraged us to enter into ecumenism with false religions - wrongly called Christian - , and engage in inter-religious dialogue with the other religions. In a few words, they have explicitly or tacitly told us that all religions are more or less equal when it comes to eternal salvation.

World religious leaders unite bearing trees; - not the Cross of Christ |
In Assisi, at the ecumenical summit carried out by John Paul II in 1982, the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ was replaced by a “tree of peace.” All the religious leaders there gathered under a tree, as if God had not founded the one true Church to save men and heal human societies with her gift of the Christian peace.
Someone might object that the conciliar Popes did not renounce the Faith because they continued to profess the Creed. Another might add that Benedict XVI continues to pray the Angelus every Wednesday in his general audiences.
Yes, that is true, but I must observe that every time that he prays the Creed or the Angelus in accordance with the ideas of ecumenism, he professes relativism. Indeed, when he admits that all religions are good, he distorts the meaning of what he is saying in the Creed, which is that only the Catholic Church is the true religion that leads to salvation.
Also, I cannot avoid reminding the reader that the expression “inter-religious dialogue” does not appear anywhere in the Scripture. Our Lord commanded, “Go and preach to all peoples.” He did not say, “Go and dialogue.” To preach means to speak the truths of our Faith in a loud voice. He commanded us not to make concessions but to obey His order.

At the Dome of the Rock Mosque Benedict removed his shoes to please the Muslims |
Each time Benedict XVI enters a non-Catholic temple, he “dialogues” - he does not preach. In this he is very modern. He gives us an example of how to make our Faith relative, watering it down. Further, he always makes every sign of respect to signify that he considers those temples sacred, as if they were places where the true God were really present. In his ecumenical speeches, he also often makes some reservations about different militant Catholic attitudes of the past.
His speech in the mosque of Amman was not an exception. He referred to the centuries of fight between the Catholic Faith and Islam as “misunderstandings.” These were his words: “Muslims and Christians, precisely because of the burden of our common history so often marked by misunderstanding, must today strive to be known and recognized as worshipers of God faithful to prayer, eager to uphold and live by the decrees of the Almighty, merciful and compassionate…”
Following modern ecumenical ideas, the Pontiff failed to preach to the followers of Mohammed the essential truth of our Faith: the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Instead, he invoked “the decrees of the Almighty, merciful and compassionate.” That is to say, in a mosque of Islam, he invoked their Allah. To please them, he used the same language of an Islamic mufti. Notwithstanding, when Muslims meet the Holy Father and speak in his presence, they always invocate their Allah - never the Most Holy Trinity.
The goal of this ecumenism, then, is to gradually water down the principles of the Catholic Faith. To adapt to it we should give up our convictions and our logic.
What the mentors of ecumenism want is for all religions to adhere to it. I am not sure whether they will do so. In the meantime, however, the Holy Father serves their aim and Catholics self-destruct their own Faith even as they pray the Creed.
Yes, we continue to be Catholics, not in Bethlehem, on Mount Tabor and at Calvary, but by setting up our stand in the world market of religions…
Posted August 10, 2009
Julio Alvear first published this article on his blog
La Reaccion Catolica
An analytical and uncompromising site for readers of the Spanish language

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