Hate Mail
Nazi Threat & Apparitions Denier’s Nonsense
You Are Friends of Stalin
Re: Book on Nazism
Are you a friend of the Bolshevik mass-murder Stalin. ? It's not your work to write about Nationalsozialismus and other politic things. You must write about the apostate from all Christian Faith Bergoglio and his V2-SYNAGOGE.
Your Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a syphilitic Jew and friend of the mass-murder Stalin against Germany.
W.C.E., Germany
Are you a friend of the Bolshevik mass-murder Stalin. ? It's not your work to write about Nationalsozialismus and other politic things. You must write about the apostate from all Christian Faith Bergoglio and his V2-SYNAGOGE.
Your Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a syphilitic Jew and friend of the mass-murder Stalin against Germany.
W.C.E., Germany
Fatima & La Salette Are Works of the Devil
Holy Bible - Saint John 5:43 - I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
Church approval of apparations is not infallible.
The false apparations of the devil in in fatim_a Portugal.
1) An angel cannot administer Holy Communion.
From the Roman Catechism / Catechism of Pope St.Pius V:
The Ministers of the Sacraments.
But although God is the author and dispenser of the Sacraments, He nevertheless willed that they should be administered in His Church by men, not by Angels. To constitute a Sacrament, as the unbroken tradition of the Fathers testifies, matter and form are not more necessary than is the ministry of men.
2) Who gave the falsely claimed to be an angel a consecrated host and consecrated chalice?
No Angel can do a consecration.
3) Francisco and Jacinta had not received their first Holy Communion nor prepared for it.
The Parish Priest could not be bypassed.
Were they three in a state of sanctifying grace before receiving the false holy communion, which was without any notice? Did they need to go to Confession?
4) The fasting law of the Church before reception of Holy Communion was to fast from midnight before receiving Holy Communion under pain of mortal sin.
Did they not eat anything from midnight? Did their parents send them starving to do their work? On a previous occasion they ate in the morning and went out.
5) Holy Communion could only be adminsitered in the form of bread and not in the form of wine because that is what was mandated by the Church.
Lucia received the falsely claimed to be holy communion in the form of bread. Francisco and Jacinta received the falsely claimed to be holy communion in the form of wine.
5) Francisco did not know what he received.
Only Francisco, not having heard the angel, had a question to ask. "Lucia," he said, "I know the angel gave you Holy Communion, but what was it that he gave to Jacinta and me? "That was Communion, too, Francisco. Didn't you see the blood that dropped into the chalice from the Host?"
Catholic Catechism: (TIA note: Here for sake of brevity we omit the reader’s quotes from the Catechism)
4) To administer Holy Communion licitly in the Roman Rite the Rite to administer Holy Communion had to be used.
Only the Pope has the authority from GOD to create a new rite for the administering of Sacraments.
The Council of Trent (TIA note: Here we omit the canon 13 on the Sacraments)
Only these words could be said for the administering of Holy Communion:
Corpus Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam tuam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
The falsely claimed to be an angel said this before giving what was not Holy Communion: "Take and drink the body and blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God."
5) No Holy Communion Paten kept.
6) Father Manuel Marques Ferreira Parish Priest of Lucia after interogations told Lucia that the visions were a deception from the devil and not Our Lady. Father Ferreira vehemently denied any possibility of the apparitions being true.
7) Lucia was disobedient to her Parents and the Parish Priest.
GOD will never work through those who are disobedient.
One of the biggest warning signs of a false apparition is if the purported visionaries are disobedient to the Church authorities.
8) Our Lady who is GOD's most humblest child would never say that only she can help you. This is blasphemy to GOD. Saint John 2:5 His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.
9) This has to be confirmed:
De Almeida claimed to have witnessed the whole event, but Judah Ruah, standing next to him, said he saw nothing at all. When asked why, he replied, “because nothing strange happened to the sun. But when I saw all those people kneeling I understood something to be happening and so I photographed them instead.” – On October 13 1917.
Spiritual beings may appear to do things miraculous in our eyes, is by what is called fascination or bewitching, which may be conceived possible in two different ways, either by making such impressions upon the organs of our senses, as if the real material object that naturally could make them were present and acting on them, or by taking upon themselves the outward appearances of the things which they wish to represent.
The devil can perform an appearance of a miracle. For example, in Exodus, Moses changes his staff into a snake before the Pharaoh and his court. Then the Pharaoh tells his priests to do the same. In the sight of all, the staff is changed into a snake by the pagan priest. How did this happen? It must be remembered that an angel can move at very high speed, faster than light itself, and so he can substitute, more quickly than our eyes can discern, one thing for something else. Consequently there was an appearance of a miracle done by the pagan priests, but not a true one.
Spiritual beings, both good and bad, have a very great power in acting upon our internal senses, by altering and moving the humours of the body, so as to raise many ideas in our imagination, and affections in our appetite, will not be called in question by any who profess the Christian religion.
– All only by the permission of GOD.
Divine revelation has already been given by GOD for His greater glory and the salvation of men. Nothing can be added nor taken away from it. GOD will not send any new "messages for the world".
'World "peace"' (false peace) is a freemasonic concept to bring in the Antichrist. Trying to make "peace", which is false peace, without being one with GOD through His Catholic Church.
1 Thessalonians 5
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shall so come as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say: Peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.
6 Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do: but let us watch, and be sober.
GOD JESUS did not come to bring world peace.
Saint John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress. But have confidence. I have overcome the world.
The apparations in la salette were another work of the devil.
“She wept all the while she spoke to us,” said Maxim.
”How long have I suffered for you!”
This contradicts Divine Revelation.
Our Lady can never be sad. She can never cry nor suffer. She is one with GOD in Heaven in perfect happiness for eternity.
Apocalypse 21
3 And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men: and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people: and God himself with them shall be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more. Nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.
From the Roman Catechism decreed by St. Pope Pius V:
Signs Of The General Judgment
The Sacred Scriptures inform us that the general judgment will be preceded by these three principal signs: the preaching of the Gospel throughout the world, a falling away from the faith, and the coming of Antichrist.
There is no earthly restoration after the apostasy in the end times. This is absolutely clear in Sacred Scripture and clearly taught by the Church through the Catechism of St. Pope Pius V. GOD JESUS CHRIST who is victory himself has kept the final victory that will take place personally for Him. His Final Coming is at hand. It is He who alone will restore His Kingdom which is His Catholic Church.
The false apparitions which so many are trapped in are contrary to Divine Revelation which is the only infallible source and are a huge deception which is to catch unawares of the coming of the Antichrist hoping for world “peace” for a period of time which is a false freemasonic concept.
St. Matthew 24: in 24 shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.
St. Vincent Ferrer (In relation to the end times):
masters and teachers no longer care for study of the Bible, but prefer the study of the poets and other profane works.
Masses and attending such and administering and receiving sacraments without the permission of the Church is a grave sacrilege, a sin of grave matter. Done with full knowledge and free will it is a mortal sin. Anyone who dies in one unrepented mortal sin will be cast by GOD into the eternal fires of hell forever.
From the Roman Catechism decreed by St.Pope Pius V:
I know that on that rock is built the Church. Whoever will eat the lamb outside this house is profane; whoever is not in the ark of Noah shall perish in the flood.
There can be no circumstance where masses can be offered or sacraments can be adminsitered without the permission of the Church no matter how evil, unjust and wicked a Pope may be. This is against Divine Ordinance. The solution is only in the legal structures of the Church.
Note: Protestants are never Christians.
Church approval of apparations is not infallible.
The false apparations of the devil in in fatim_a Portugal.
1) An angel cannot administer Holy Communion.
From the Roman Catechism / Catechism of Pope St.Pius V:
The Ministers of the Sacraments.
But although God is the author and dispenser of the Sacraments, He nevertheless willed that they should be administered in His Church by men, not by Angels. To constitute a Sacrament, as the unbroken tradition of the Fathers testifies, matter and form are not more necessary than is the ministry of men.
2) Who gave the falsely claimed to be an angel a consecrated host and consecrated chalice?
No Angel can do a consecration.
3) Francisco and Jacinta had not received their first Holy Communion nor prepared for it.
The Parish Priest could not be bypassed.
Were they three in a state of sanctifying grace before receiving the false holy communion, which was without any notice? Did they need to go to Confession?
4) The fasting law of the Church before reception of Holy Communion was to fast from midnight before receiving Holy Communion under pain of mortal sin.
Did they not eat anything from midnight? Did their parents send them starving to do their work? On a previous occasion they ate in the morning and went out.
5) Holy Communion could only be adminsitered in the form of bread and not in the form of wine because that is what was mandated by the Church.
Lucia received the falsely claimed to be holy communion in the form of bread. Francisco and Jacinta received the falsely claimed to be holy communion in the form of wine.
5) Francisco did not know what he received.
Only Francisco, not having heard the angel, had a question to ask. "Lucia," he said, "I know the angel gave you Holy Communion, but what was it that he gave to Jacinta and me? "That was Communion, too, Francisco. Didn't you see the blood that dropped into the chalice from the Host?"
Catholic Catechism: (TIA note: Here for sake of brevity we omit the reader’s quotes from the Catechism)
4) To administer Holy Communion licitly in the Roman Rite the Rite to administer Holy Communion had to be used.
Only the Pope has the authority from GOD to create a new rite for the administering of Sacraments.
The Council of Trent (TIA note: Here we omit the canon 13 on the Sacraments)
Only these words could be said for the administering of Holy Communion:
Corpus Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam tuam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
The falsely claimed to be an angel said this before giving what was not Holy Communion: "Take and drink the body and blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God."
5) No Holy Communion Paten kept.
6) Father Manuel Marques Ferreira Parish Priest of Lucia after interogations told Lucia that the visions were a deception from the devil and not Our Lady. Father Ferreira vehemently denied any possibility of the apparitions being true.
7) Lucia was disobedient to her Parents and the Parish Priest.
GOD will never work through those who are disobedient.
One of the biggest warning signs of a false apparition is if the purported visionaries are disobedient to the Church authorities.
8) Our Lady who is GOD's most humblest child would never say that only she can help you. This is blasphemy to GOD. Saint John 2:5 His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.
9) This has to be confirmed:
De Almeida claimed to have witnessed the whole event, but Judah Ruah, standing next to him, said he saw nothing at all. When asked why, he replied, “because nothing strange happened to the sun. But when I saw all those people kneeling I understood something to be happening and so I photographed them instead.” – On October 13 1917.
Spiritual beings may appear to do things miraculous in our eyes, is by what is called fascination or bewitching, which may be conceived possible in two different ways, either by making such impressions upon the organs of our senses, as if the real material object that naturally could make them were present and acting on them, or by taking upon themselves the outward appearances of the things which they wish to represent.
The devil can perform an appearance of a miracle. For example, in Exodus, Moses changes his staff into a snake before the Pharaoh and his court. Then the Pharaoh tells his priests to do the same. In the sight of all, the staff is changed into a snake by the pagan priest. How did this happen? It must be remembered that an angel can move at very high speed, faster than light itself, and so he can substitute, more quickly than our eyes can discern, one thing for something else. Consequently there was an appearance of a miracle done by the pagan priests, but not a true one.
Spiritual beings, both good and bad, have a very great power in acting upon our internal senses, by altering and moving the humours of the body, so as to raise many ideas in our imagination, and affections in our appetite, will not be called in question by any who profess the Christian religion.
– All only by the permission of GOD.
Divine revelation has already been given by GOD for His greater glory and the salvation of men. Nothing can be added nor taken away from it. GOD will not send any new "messages for the world".
'World "peace"' (false peace) is a freemasonic concept to bring in the Antichrist. Trying to make "peace", which is false peace, without being one with GOD through His Catholic Church.
1 Thessalonians 5
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shall so come as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say: Peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.
6 Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do: but let us watch, and be sober.
GOD JESUS did not come to bring world peace.
Saint John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress. But have confidence. I have overcome the world.
The apparations in la salette were another work of the devil.
“She wept all the while she spoke to us,” said Maxim.
”How long have I suffered for you!”
This contradicts Divine Revelation.
Our Lady can never be sad. She can never cry nor suffer. She is one with GOD in Heaven in perfect happiness for eternity.
Apocalypse 21
3 And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men: and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people: and God himself with them shall be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more. Nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.
From the Roman Catechism decreed by St. Pope Pius V:
Signs Of The General Judgment
The Sacred Scriptures inform us that the general judgment will be preceded by these three principal signs: the preaching of the Gospel throughout the world, a falling away from the faith, and the coming of Antichrist.
- Gospel preached throughout the world. (St. Matthew 24:14)
- Apostasy (St. Luke 18:8) and Revolt (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
- Katechon taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
- Manifest reign of the Antichrist (Three and half years) (The False Prophet of the end times will be the main instrument of satan to bring in the Antichrist)
- Final Coming of GOD JESUS CHRIST who will kill the Antichrist, destroy the world by fire and conduct the General Judgment.
- The Kingdom of GOD in its full flight for eternity. The New Heaven and Earth, the Heavenly Jerusalem for the elect forever. The heavenly liturgy forever and ever. Greater than any liturgy on earth.
- Eternal torments in the fires of hell for the reprobates forever and ever as long as GOD is GOD which is forever and ever and ever.
There is no earthly restoration after the apostasy in the end times. This is absolutely clear in Sacred Scripture and clearly taught by the Church through the Catechism of St. Pope Pius V. GOD JESUS CHRIST who is victory himself has kept the final victory that will take place personally for Him. His Final Coming is at hand. It is He who alone will restore His Kingdom which is His Catholic Church.
The false apparitions which so many are trapped in are contrary to Divine Revelation which is the only infallible source and are a huge deception which is to catch unawares of the coming of the Antichrist hoping for world “peace” for a period of time which is a false freemasonic concept.
St. Matthew 24: in 24 shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.
St. Vincent Ferrer (In relation to the end times):
masters and teachers no longer care for study of the Bible, but prefer the study of the poets and other profane works.
Masses and attending such and administering and receiving sacraments without the permission of the Church is a grave sacrilege, a sin of grave matter. Done with full knowledge and free will it is a mortal sin. Anyone who dies in one unrepented mortal sin will be cast by GOD into the eternal fires of hell forever.
From the Roman Catechism decreed by St.Pope Pius V:
I know that on that rock is built the Church. Whoever will eat the lamb outside this house is profane; whoever is not in the ark of Noah shall perish in the flood.
There can be no circumstance where masses can be offered or sacraments can be adminsitered without the permission of the Church no matter how evil, unjust and wicked a Pope may be. This is against Divine Ordinance. The solution is only in the legal structures of the Church.
Note: Protestants are never Christians.

Posted December 5, 2024

This book is in error watch this documentary Europa The Last Battle for the truth
The Editor responds:
Hello Keith,
Very smart of you to ask us to watch a 10-movie series to find an unspecified error.
If you have an error to point out in the book, do it.
If not, you are working for those who want to waste our time.
Sorry to not help you in your job.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Keith’s second message:
The entire book you idiot.
Yes I am part of the get tia movement you blew my cover. Drat it all I thought I was so clever.
We'll get you yet my pretty!
And your little dog too