Homage to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
on the 100th Year of His Birth
 Lunch atop a skyscraper |
Throughout History, we find men who are raised by Divine Providence at critical times and enter battle to close one historical era and open another. This defines the great Catholic warrior Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
By his actions and teachings during his lifetime, he gave the examples and principles that will destroy the Revolution that has infiltrated the Church and established deep roots throughout the temporal world. Like time bombs, those principles will demolish the immense lie of the Devil, this long parenthesis inserted in History called the Revolution.
He also left the basis for a new Christendom founded on true devotion to Mary and innumerable principles that we are making known and disseminating as time and opportunity permits. This ensemble of teaching, we believe, is more than sufficient to build, conserve and defend the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary announced by St. Louis Grignion de Montfort and confirmed by Our Lady in Fatima.
No matter how many thieves have come to steal his banner, how many falsifiers have attempted to distort his message, how many traitors have appeared to sell his ideals, how many jealous calumniators have tried to silence his apostolate, his name and his cause still stand, and will continue to stand - like a sign calling the nations from afar, a standard on the mountain leading the brave in the Lord’s wrath and they will rejoice with Him in His glory (Is 5:26, 13:2-3).
On this December 13, 2008, the centenary of his birth, Tradition in Action pays to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the Counter-Revolutionary par excellence, its most grateful, respectful and enthusiastic homage.
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