What People are Commenting
Abuses in Confession & Timely Knock Message
Sharp Comments
Note to Readers:
Below we reproduce some comments on Social Media on two of TIA’s postings.
Re: Re: Genesis, Illuminati & Longinus’ Spear
Below we reproduce some comments on Social Media on two of TIA’s postings.
Re: Re: Genesis, Illuminati & Longinus’ Spear
- [Regarding mMsk’s Omega necklace] That is a gnostic symbol, meaning the evolution of the world to the divinity stage!
F.T., Facebook - Fulton Sheen was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
C.R., Facebook - In times of apostasy from the top down (over decades), TIA is a blessing for true Catholics.
Prof. V.S.N., Cambridge, Facebook
- The conciLIAR Novus Ordo, stay away from the neo-Protestant church, not Catholic.
C.P.O., Facebook - False ecumenical efforts. It’s weird and cringey.
Z.Z., Instagram - We are not Jews. Period.
B.M., Instagram
Timely Knock Message
Dear TIA friends,
I would also like to submit a question to our Irish friend, Miss C.M., about this seemingly miraculous picture from Knock, taken at the exact time of the apparitions last August, and the happenings there.

I enjoy reading her thoughts from Ireland, and often include Ireland in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,
Our Irish Friend Answers:
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima!
With reference to the question about Knock I would be very careful about reaching any conclusions based on a photograph. The camera can and does lie and never more so than in these days of fakery. I am not suggesting this photograph is a fake, but I think we should be careful.
TIA has published many fine analyses of the apparition at Knock so I will not attempt to write a similar analysis since I am simply not equipped intellectually to work on that level. I will however describe in simple terms one of the aspects of the apparition as far as I am concerned.
Our Lady came to Knock just three decades after Ireland had suffered a most severe chastisement. This was the potato blight which caused a famine, in which half the population of Ireland either died or emigrated. In the following years Ireland was a pitiful sight. Children orphaned roamed the roads under no control whatsoever. Immorality was rife and girls and women were in grave moral danger not to mention the children. The people of Ireland were physically and mentally exhausted and in a state of shock and despair. I believe Our Lady came to Knock to console her children just as a mother will console a child punished by the father.
Our Lady is also giving her approval, I believe, to the work of reparation which was beginning to happen in Ireland at that time. Since 1850 Irish Bishops encouraged the female Religious to establish institutions in which orphaned and wayward girls could be housed and re-educated morally. These were the industrial schools. Institutions were also needed to punish and retrain older girls who had fallen. It was necessary to remove such girls from public view as they set a terrible example. Hence, the Magdalene Institutions.
I believe Our Lady came also to support this work and the efforts the Irish were making to practice their Faith again even under persecution. The tableau with the Lamb on the altar of course represented the importance of Holy Mass. The white garments of Our Lady represented the beauty of purity and chastity, and her silence and eyes raised towards Heaven, the importance of prayer and silent obedience.
My childhood memories of Knock are of leaving school in a bus in the dark hours of early morning with Sister leading the Holy Rosary. Driving through towns still asleep and praying for those in the care of the Sisters as we passed an institution.
Raincoats and wellington boots were the only practical clothing as it rained at Knock so frequently. We offered up the traditional penance of walking around the church on our knees as we prayed the Holy Rosary. Lunch was egg sandwiches and tea which was always too strong. Then a final procession, hymns and Rosary and we were back on the bus.
On the way home an examination by Sister of the details of the apparition but no punishment for those who failed to answer. However, the following day in school, the names of girls who had misbehaved were called out. Not paying attention in church, laughing and giggling in the church grounds, failing to genuflect correctly and many more faults were punished in front of the class as an example to all of us.
Regarding the photograph, I have no doubt many in Ireland now would gladly burn the shrine down. Catholics are now rapidly becoming a minority In Ireland and out Faith is constantly under attack from misguided young people. This photograph may be a premonition, or it may be a fake. Sadly this is the world we live in.
To your correspondent who brought this to our attention, I would say Ireland today, is in a similar state to that of the pre-famine era. We witnessed how this brought the wrath of Almighty God down on us so I have no doubt we can expect a most severe punishment in the near future. This photograph may give us a clue as to what form that punishment will take.
May Almighty God have mercy on us.
God bless TIA.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Dear TIA friends,
I would also like to submit a question to our Irish friend, Miss C.M., about this seemingly miraculous picture from Knock, taken at the exact time of the apparitions last August, and the happenings there.

I enjoy reading her thoughts from Ireland, and often include Ireland in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,
Our Irish Friend Answers:
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima!
With reference to the question about Knock I would be very careful about reaching any conclusions based on a photograph. The camera can and does lie and never more so than in these days of fakery. I am not suggesting this photograph is a fake, but I think we should be careful.
TIA has published many fine analyses of the apparition at Knock so I will not attempt to write a similar analysis since I am simply not equipped intellectually to work on that level. I will however describe in simple terms one of the aspects of the apparition as far as I am concerned.
Our Lady came to Knock just three decades after Ireland had suffered a most severe chastisement. This was the potato blight which caused a famine, in which half the population of Ireland either died or emigrated. In the following years Ireland was a pitiful sight. Children orphaned roamed the roads under no control whatsoever. Immorality was rife and girls and women were in grave moral danger not to mention the children. The people of Ireland were physically and mentally exhausted and in a state of shock and despair. I believe Our Lady came to Knock to console her children just as a mother will console a child punished by the father.
Our Lady is also giving her approval, I believe, to the work of reparation which was beginning to happen in Ireland at that time. Since 1850 Irish Bishops encouraged the female Religious to establish institutions in which orphaned and wayward girls could be housed and re-educated morally. These were the industrial schools. Institutions were also needed to punish and retrain older girls who had fallen. It was necessary to remove such girls from public view as they set a terrible example. Hence, the Magdalene Institutions.
I believe Our Lady came also to support this work and the efforts the Irish were making to practice their Faith again even under persecution. The tableau with the Lamb on the altar of course represented the importance of Holy Mass. The white garments of Our Lady represented the beauty of purity and chastity, and her silence and eyes raised towards Heaven, the importance of prayer and silent obedience.
My childhood memories of Knock are of leaving school in a bus in the dark hours of early morning with Sister leading the Holy Rosary. Driving through towns still asleep and praying for those in the care of the Sisters as we passed an institution.
Raincoats and wellington boots were the only practical clothing as it rained at Knock so frequently. We offered up the traditional penance of walking around the church on our knees as we prayed the Holy Rosary. Lunch was egg sandwiches and tea which was always too strong. Then a final procession, hymns and Rosary and we were back on the bus.
On the way home an examination by Sister of the details of the apparition but no punishment for those who failed to answer. However, the following day in school, the names of girls who had misbehaved were called out. Not paying attention in church, laughing and giggling in the church grounds, failing to genuflect correctly and many more faults were punished in front of the class as an example to all of us.
Regarding the photograph, I have no doubt many in Ireland now would gladly burn the shrine down. Catholics are now rapidly becoming a minority In Ireland and out Faith is constantly under attack from misguided young people. This photograph may be a premonition, or it may be a fake. Sadly this is the world we live in.
To your correspondent who brought this to our attention, I would say Ireland today, is in a similar state to that of the pre-famine era. We witnessed how this brought the wrath of Almighty God down on us so I have no doubt we can expect a most severe punishment in the near future. This photograph may give us a clue as to what form that punishment will take.
May Almighty God have mercy on us.
God bless TIA.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Posted February 25, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Card. Fernandez, the head of the Dicastery for the Defense of the Faith, recently gave an interview in which he complains that priests are frequently reported as using the confession and other spiritual directions to solicit sex from the penitents.
Fernandez complains and says that the Church needs to do something to avoid these abuses.
What he does not say is that the 1917 Code of Canon Law had an automatic excommunication - excomunicatio latae sententiae - for those priests who would solicit sex from their penitents (cf. canon 2366).
It is evident that the suppression of that excommunication is in part the cause of those abuses.
Why doesn't Fernandez admit that it was an error to suppress that punishment? It is because it was made in the name of “mercy” and adaptation to the modern world…
Here we have the results.