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Bogus Saints, Sinicization & Helping the Needy
Sinicization = Communist Controlled Religions
Dear TIA,
Below you see all the leaders of China’s communist-controlled religious associations at the annual symposium, which warned that there would be ‘sinicization’ (adapting religion to the communist government) and surveillance of all the religions for 2025.
The director of the event, a high member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) emphasized to the leaders of the various controlled ‘religions’ their duty of following Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implementing the directives of the 20th National Congress of the CCP.
“The Sinicization of religion should be systematically promoted,” he said, “aligning religious doctrines with China’s national conditions and core socialist values”.
He emphasized the need for religions to embrace the “five identifications.” This is a concept Xi Jinping increasingly insists on. The first two identifications are with “the Great Motherland” and “the Chinese Nation.” The third identification is “Chinese culture,” read as communist Chinese culture. The fourth and fifth identifications are directly with the Chinese Communist Party and with Marxist “Socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The Party is the sole arbiter authorized to define what should be kept of Chinese culture.
The message was that the new Chinese year will further tighten the already strict control on all religions in China.
This has been the result of the Vatican ‘deals’ with China, which started with Benedict XVI’s Letter to Chinese Catholics urging cooperation with the Chinese communist Patriotic Church and culminating in the infamous agreement of Francis that seems to have handed over all control of the church to the government...
And no one objects. It is a betrayal of the Chinese Underground Church, which continues on, but more persecuted than ever before.
Below you see all the leaders of China’s communist-controlled religious associations at the annual symposium, which warned that there would be ‘sinicization’ (adapting religion to the communist government) and surveillance of all the religions for 2025.

The director of the event, a high member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) emphasized to the leaders of the various controlled ‘religions’ their duty of following Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implementing the directives of the 20th National Congress of the CCP.
“The Sinicization of religion should be systematically promoted,” he said, “aligning religious doctrines with China’s national conditions and core socialist values”.
He emphasized the need for religions to embrace the “five identifications.” This is a concept Xi Jinping increasingly insists on. The first two identifications are with “the Great Motherland” and “the Chinese Nation.” The third identification is “Chinese culture,” read as communist Chinese culture. The fourth and fifth identifications are directly with the Chinese Communist Party and with Marxist “Socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The Party is the sole arbiter authorized to define what should be kept of Chinese culture.
The message was that the new Chinese year will further tighten the already strict control on all religions in China.
This has been the result of the Vatican ‘deals’ with China, which started with Benedict XVI’s Letter to Chinese Catholics urging cooperation with the Chinese communist Patriotic Church and culminating in the infamous agreement of Francis that seems to have handed over all control of the church to the government...
And no one objects. It is a betrayal of the Chinese Underground Church, which continues on, but more persecuted than ever before.
Helping the Needy
Where may I find the remnant of the Church? I have been reading articles in Tradition in Action for awhile now. Besides learning of this N.O Vatican II sect and the corruption of the SSPX, my country does not seem to be catholic anymore, the Philippines that is. My parents also follow the Neocathecumenal cult and make Saturdays the Lord's day instead of Sunday.
Am I alone? I am not even holy. I have many vices. How can I be saved?
And pray for me because I have had temptations to suicide since I was 21 years of age and now I am 37. I struggle with this defect ever since and also to despair.
Sorry for not introducing myself.
I am E.M.D. My Facebook name is just a pseudonym.
TIA responds:
We are sorry for your struggles. Indeed, there has been a grave crisis since Vatican II, and all Catholics have suffered because of it. You are certainly not alone in this.
We can offer you some suggestions:
1. Regarding despair, this excerpt from Prof. Plinio’s comments on St. Francis de Sales offers a remedy:
"Our Lord desired many things from St. Francis and, for this reason, He sent him a period of complete spiritual dryness that came from the idea that he was predestined to Hell despite any effort he would make to save himself.
"Obsessed by this idea, one day St. Francis, in near despair, knelt before the feet of a statue of Our Lady of Deliverance at the Church of Saint-Étienne-des-Grès in Paris. Weeping, he said the prayer of St. Bernard – the Memorare – adding this ending: 'O my Mistress and Queen, be my intercessor before Thy Son, for I shall never see Him if it is my misfortune to not love God in the next life. Most Beloved Lady, at least give me the grace to love Him as much as possible while I am here.'
"From that day on the temptation completely ceased. Our Lord heard the beautiful prayer of St. Francis, who delivered himself entirely to God’s will to the point of offering without hesitation to love and serve Him in this world without any reward in the next."
2. We recommend that you read the Book of Confidence, which is an accessible work. It gives much hope and presents beautiful reminders from the Gospels and the Saints.
3. Regarding how to be saved: It is essential to pray to and confide in Our Lady, learn the Faith, be Catholic, follow the Commandments, and receive the Sacraments if possible.
It is also important in our days to follow the crisis in the Church and resist Progressivism. Our website may help you to learn about the Faith and the crisis in the Church. We have a wealth of information on over 8,000 pages. We would encourage you to browse it.
We would recommend studying a good Catechism. The Baltimore Catechism is a good place to start; the Catechism of the Council of Trent is even better.
We would also recommend praying the Rosary daily.
4. Regarding where to find the remnant: there are Catholics all over the world who combat the Revolution in the Church as well in the temporal sphere. TIA is one of these groups. The remnant exists where people try to do this. The example of the Japanese Catholics offers much hope, since they had preserved the Faith for hundreds of years even without Sacraments.
5. Lastly, in case you have not watched them yet, we would encourage you to watch the series on Our Lady of Good Success on our YouTube channel, particularly Part 3, which offers much hope. We would encourage you to invoke Our Lady under this title in your necessities, since she promised "good success" to those who invoke her under this title particularly in our times:
We hope that offers you some consolation and answers some of your doubts in the meantime. Please be assured of our prayers for you, Our Lady help you,
TIA Media
E.M.D. replies:
Thank you. Truly I am grateful.
I have calmed down greatly from my doubtful anxieties and sorrows. Tradition in Action is a great multitude of graces for me.
Thanks be to God! Deo gratias!
Where may I find the remnant of the Church? I have been reading articles in Tradition in Action for awhile now. Besides learning of this N.O Vatican II sect and the corruption of the SSPX, my country does not seem to be catholic anymore, the Philippines that is. My parents also follow the Neocathecumenal cult and make Saturdays the Lord's day instead of Sunday.
Am I alone? I am not even holy. I have many vices. How can I be saved?
And pray for me because I have had temptations to suicide since I was 21 years of age and now I am 37. I struggle with this defect ever since and also to despair.
Sorry for not introducing myself.
I am E.M.D. My Facebook name is just a pseudonym.
TIA responds:
We are sorry for your struggles. Indeed, there has been a grave crisis since Vatican II, and all Catholics have suffered because of it. You are certainly not alone in this.
We can offer you some suggestions:
1. Regarding despair, this excerpt from Prof. Plinio’s comments on St. Francis de Sales offers a remedy:
"Our Lord desired many things from St. Francis and, for this reason, He sent him a period of complete spiritual dryness that came from the idea that he was predestined to Hell despite any effort he would make to save himself.
"Obsessed by this idea, one day St. Francis, in near despair, knelt before the feet of a statue of Our Lady of Deliverance at the Church of Saint-Étienne-des-Grès in Paris. Weeping, he said the prayer of St. Bernard – the Memorare – adding this ending: 'O my Mistress and Queen, be my intercessor before Thy Son, for I shall never see Him if it is my misfortune to not love God in the next life. Most Beloved Lady, at least give me the grace to love Him as much as possible while I am here.'
"From that day on the temptation completely ceased. Our Lord heard the beautiful prayer of St. Francis, who delivered himself entirely to God’s will to the point of offering without hesitation to love and serve Him in this world without any reward in the next."
2. We recommend that you read the Book of Confidence, which is an accessible work. It gives much hope and presents beautiful reminders from the Gospels and the Saints.
3. Regarding how to be saved: It is essential to pray to and confide in Our Lady, learn the Faith, be Catholic, follow the Commandments, and receive the Sacraments if possible.
It is also important in our days to follow the crisis in the Church and resist Progressivism. Our website may help you to learn about the Faith and the crisis in the Church. We have a wealth of information on over 8,000 pages. We would encourage you to browse it.
We would recommend studying a good Catechism. The Baltimore Catechism is a good place to start; the Catechism of the Council of Trent is even better.
We would also recommend praying the Rosary daily.
4. Regarding where to find the remnant: there are Catholics all over the world who combat the Revolution in the Church as well in the temporal sphere. TIA is one of these groups. The remnant exists where people try to do this. The example of the Japanese Catholics offers much hope, since they had preserved the Faith for hundreds of years even without Sacraments.
5. Lastly, in case you have not watched them yet, we would encourage you to watch the series on Our Lady of Good Success on our YouTube channel, particularly Part 3, which offers much hope. We would encourage you to invoke Our Lady under this title in your necessities, since she promised "good success" to those who invoke her under this title particularly in our times:
We hope that offers you some consolation and answers some of your doubts in the meantime. Please be assured of our prayers for you, Our Lady help you,
TIA Media
E.M.D. replies:
Thank you. Truly I am grateful.
I have calmed down greatly from my doubtful anxieties and sorrows. Tradition in Action is a great multitude of graces for me.
Thanks be to God! Deo gratias!
Posted February 11, 2025

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Re: Williamson Smear Campaign
I'm too baffled at how many Catholics, calling themselves traditionalists, can endorse any Pope since Pius XII! Today on YouTube, I was listening to some guy calling John Paul II a saint and quoting him! So many traditionalists do that! JP2, although sometimes was right, was a son of the bogus, illicit V2 Council and FAR from being a saint or even a traditionalist!!! The same thing with heretics like Bishop Sheen and Cardinal Newman! Lionized by neo-traditionalists!
D.J. (from Facebook)