What People are Commenting
Music, Chicken Hearted & Red Bishop
Lion Hearted & Chicken Hearted
Re: Mass of Ages: Beautifully Misleading
Like always your analysis is spot on. The TLM [the ’62 Missal] is a fragmented version of the original Mass, the one and only Mass of the Ages, not the “extraordinary form” (what a disgraceful term to use for the identity of the bride of Christ, His mystical Body).
Without a return to the original pre 1955 version, the Church remains terminally ill, kept alive through mechanical ventilation and artificial means, which can be cut off any time.
The infiltrators who were driven underground by the champion of tradition, Pope St. Pius X, came back even stronger and they have taken roots. None of the prelates, even among the most so-called “conservatives,” is nearly courageous and faithful enough to hold fast. Empty words, “lion-hearted” on social media and chicken-hearted when it comes to action.
Besides, almost all of them hail “heroes,” who were/are progressives through and through, who deny the inerrancy of Scripture in many ways, or the supernatural, or doctrines/dogmas, and are particularly dangerous because their poisonous teachings are invisible to the untrained eyes/ears and all the special sense God has created us with. The “conservative” prelates we have nowadays are what we deserve, a reflection of our degenerate state.
Without TIA, and some very few remnant priests still fighting courageously, Catholics are lost, and it’s mainly because of cowardice and lukewarmness.
God bless you TIA for all what you do, and for your courage, keeping you in my prayers.
Prof. V.S.N., Cambridge
Re: Mass of Ages: Beautifully Misleading
Like always your analysis is spot on. The TLM [the ’62 Missal] is a fragmented version of the original Mass, the one and only Mass of the Ages, not the “extraordinary form” (what a disgraceful term to use for the identity of the bride of Christ, His mystical Body).
Without a return to the original pre 1955 version, the Church remains terminally ill, kept alive through mechanical ventilation and artificial means, which can be cut off any time.
The infiltrators who were driven underground by the champion of tradition, Pope St. Pius X, came back even stronger and they have taken roots. None of the prelates, even among the most so-called “conservatives,” is nearly courageous and faithful enough to hold fast. Empty words, “lion-hearted” on social media and chicken-hearted when it comes to action.
Besides, almost all of them hail “heroes,” who were/are progressives through and through, who deny the inerrancy of Scripture in many ways, or the supernatural, or doctrines/dogmas, and are particularly dangerous because their poisonous teachings are invisible to the untrained eyes/ears and all the special sense God has created us with. The “conservative” prelates we have nowadays are what we deserve, a reflection of our degenerate state.
Without TIA, and some very few remnant priests still fighting courageously, Catholics are lost, and it’s mainly because of cowardice and lukewarmness.
God bless you TIA for all what you do, and for your courage, keeping you in my prayers.
Prof. V.S.N., Cambridge
Marvelous Fortitude of St. Agatha
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Oh, how beautiful! Thank you, Dr. Horvat, for sending the Saint of the Day on St. Agatha!
What a stunning account!
Thank you for the spiritual joy in reading of her marvelous fortitude.
With so many glorious Saints and Saint's names, I mourn any time I hear a “made up” name conferred upon a child even by ostensibly “Catholic” parents, thinking of how the child is left without a patron or patroness throughout life and denied the knowledge of getting to know "their" Saint.
Agatha as well as Agnes is a name seldom given any more. A real pity.
Thank you for thinking to share this! God bless you!
Ave Maria!
E.Z., Ph.D.
Oh, how beautiful! Thank you, Dr. Horvat, for sending the Saint of the Day on St. Agatha!
What a stunning account!
Thank you for the spiritual joy in reading of her marvelous fortitude.
With so many glorious Saints and Saint's names, I mourn any time I hear a “made up” name conferred upon a child even by ostensibly “Catholic” parents, thinking of how the child is left without a patron or patroness throughout life and denied the knowledge of getting to know "their" Saint.
Agatha as well as Agnes is a name seldom given any more. A real pity.
Thank you for thinking to share this! God bless you!
Ave Maria!
E.Z., Ph.D.
One More Red Bishop
Dear TIA,
The Catholic Church in China continues to be run by the Communist State run Patriotic Catholic Church (CCP), which is not Catholic at all. According to the Vatican-China deal of 2018, renewed for another four years in 2024, the CCP and the Holy See should agree on the appointment of new Catholic bishops, although details of the deals are secret.
Once again the CCP elected a bishop Ji Weizhong of the Luliang Diocese – three months before the Pope 'appointed' him. They acted unilaterally, and the Pope made no objections, just went along with the Communist dictate.
As usual, at the consecration ceremony no Papal approval or mandate was mentioned, while a letter of the Chinese Bishops’ Conference was read, as if this non-Vatican-recognized body were the source of the bishop’s legitimacy rather than the Pope.
That is the latest in the Vatican-China one-sided relationship, started by Benedict XVI with his letter to the Chinese Catholics in 2002, asking the valiant Underground Church to ease up and recognize the CCP.
It is shameful. The Underground Church in China today that is still resisting is suffering great persecutions, but we hear nothing about it because no one says anything...
Read more here
The Catholic Church in China continues to be run by the Communist State run Patriotic Catholic Church (CCP), which is not Catholic at all. According to the Vatican-China deal of 2018, renewed for another four years in 2024, the CCP and the Holy See should agree on the appointment of new Catholic bishops, although details of the deals are secret.
Once again the CCP elected a bishop Ji Weizhong of the Luliang Diocese – three months before the Pope 'appointed' him. They acted unilaterally, and the Pope made no objections, just went along with the Communist dictate.

The consecration of Bishop Ji Weizhong on January 20
That is the latest in the Vatican-China one-sided relationship, started by Benedict XVI with his letter to the Chinese Catholics in 2002, asking the valiant Underground Church to ease up and recognize the CCP.
It is shameful. The Underground Church in China today that is still resisting is suffering great persecutions, but we hear nothing about it because no one says anything...
Read more here
Posted February 6, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Were the Organs Pieces at the Notre Dame's Reopening Masonic?
I just finished reading your article about the organ “music” from the Notre-Dame organ during the December 7 re-opening of the Cathedral. What a travesty ‘Loved the pictures of the “vestments” from the Bishop and priests at Notre-Dame. Good grief! It reminded me of a quote from a priest back in 2013 when Francis was recently elected:
“The Church processed into the Second Vatican Council in cloth of gold, French lace and watered silk, and shambled out of the other end in drip-dry horse blankets and polyester.”
Horse blankets! Perhaps some of these prelates should wear embroidered feed bags around their necks, just like the average Thoroughbred. Hahaha! “And they’re off!!"
Congratulations, it was very well-written! None of this kind of nonsense is ever arbitrary; it’s always linked to some kind of nefarious reality about which most people are completely oblivious.
As for that photo of one of the organists with his right eye covered and his arms forming two triangles? Most naysayers in the world would shout “Oh, you’re just a conspiracy theorist,” yet vigilantcitizen.com has been running their Pic-of-the-Month for years and there are a plethora of photos there of the world elites, from multi-billionaire businessmen to every possible person in the “entertainment” industry who are shown covering their eyes with a hand or some kind of prop in the photo-shoot. It couldn’t possibly be more “ouvert.”
I suppose one blessing resulting from this is that none of us were there and had to be subjected to such ugliness.
For my own part, I’ve had several lifetimes full of listening to 20th century, avant-garde “music” and have had my fill of it. As my Mom once told me, “Any music that doesn’t lift your mind and heart to God and elevate your soul to something beautiful outside yourself really isn’t worth listening to in this life.” No kidding, Mom...
You no doubt had to listen to Schöenberg and Stockhausen and Cage and all those lunatics who were taught in music school to “...avoid melody at all costs.” But isn’t music melody, harmony and rhythm? If it’s just harmony and rhythm, what becometh of melody? Does it get its own island in Club Med?
Your writing has encouraged me to continue in my quest for melody and beauty in my compositions and playing. I wish you continued good success in your writing endeavors. You’re very good at what you do!