What People are Commenting
Organ, Carpenter Show & Boys Fighting
Carpenter Show in a N.Y. Church
Re: Church profanation gets new momentum in N.Y.
On this posting TIA media received these comments in Instagram and Facebook
On this posting TIA media received these comments in Instagram and Facebook
- God have mercy.
I.R. (from Instagram)
- Disgusting. I had heard Mayor Adam also was a recipient of some of the funds raised for this. Shameful that a priest would agree to any of it.
K.D. (from Instagram) - I.M. responds to K.D.:
You mean agent?! No good priest called by God would ever allow it - Disgusting! These stupid so called artists don’t have any respect for anything and they feel it’s fine to disrespect SACRED places. She ought to be fined and made to apologize for this offense to the Church.
L.C.A (from Instagram) - In saner times this self-publicist would have been run through with a sword.
C.G. (from Facebook) - How terrible.
K.R. (from Facebook) - Can’t even go to church without seeing a woman show her thighs or base of her breasts! God have mercy on the Church!
D.J. (from Facebook)
Boys’ Competitive Nature
Hello TIA,
Salve Maria!
I am emailing to ask a question about young boys and their competitive nature.
I saw the post Should Boys with Feminine Tendencies be Corrected? in the Formation of Children and Youth section of your website and found it to be a very good explanation of the masculine virtues young boys should have. I also am taking the article The Training and Disciplining of Children very seriously and am doing my best to discipline my boys in line with these principles.
Normally, if I see my children hitting each other out of frustration (when one takes the toy of the other or makes fun of another), I discipline the hitting child with a slap on their hand and make them apologize. I believe the boys should be civilized in their play and control their lower instincts that always resort to hitting.
However, it dawned on me that I did not know when to allow them to get rough, if ever, when playing. They do like to wrestle and do light play hitting with punches just to tease each other which I am okay with but I often wonder if it is okay to let them actually fight each other to get their frustrations out to promote a masculine combativeness or if I should enforce a no-fighting rule except for combat sports that they can do as they get older. In this way, we can have a time and a place for such behavior but again I am not sure if this is the correct way to raise my boys and so I am asking for guidance.
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA Note to Readers:
Someone from our desk forwarded this question from Mr. N.B. to Miss C.P. in Ireland to know her opinion, since she was a traditionalist educator for girls and boys. She responded straight to him. We reproduced below her valuable opinion.
TIA correspondence desk
Dear N.B.,
Ave Maria Purissima !
TIA has forwarded your email to me for comments, and I am delighted to let you have my thoughts.
I think you handled the situation you described excellently. It seems it was a case of bullying, and bullying must never go unpunished. In general, boys should be given every encouragement to be competitive. It is they who, as men, will be responsible for leading the family and providing for them. Competition is very much a part of life, and they need to understand this.
Sport is an excellent way of training them in this regard and also strengthening character. You are fortunate in the United States to have many manly sports which are both competitive and involve physical contact so your boys will please God, have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the camaraderie of team sports.
I would always stress that violence should never be a first resort and stress the need for working through disagreements with reason and debate and compromise. Compromise only where Faith and morals are not involved. I would also teach boys that they should stand up to any bullying and meet fire with fire. Fighting in self defense is perfectly valid.
For example, when your boys are a little older, if some other boy attacks them, they should fight back, rather than coming home and telling you or their mother. By all means they should tell you what happened but give them the license to take care of the situation as they see fit. Fighting is a natural part of being a boy and later a man. It will be young men who will be called to defend your country in times to come. It was young men who defended it in years gone by. We must never attempt to curb that natural instinct in boys. Our Church has always promoted the idea of the “just war” and this is very much valid today.
I taught for a few years in a school of the De La Salle Brothers. One day a fight broke out in the yard between two boys. A large group of boys surrounded them cheering for one or the other. I was about to rush out to end it when a Brother told me to wait awhile.
Of course, I did as I was told and after a few minutes Brother went into the yard, separated the two combatants and marched them into the classroom. There, he gave them each 6 slaps with a fine hard thick leather strap. The two returned to the yard the best of friends, comparing the state of their by now, red and swollen palms. Both were heroes in the eyes of their schoolmates. I learned a lesson that day that boys and girls must be treated very differently.
God bless you, N.B., I wish you every success in rearing your children and I will pray for you and your wife. I am sure you are on the right track and your children will thank you for this in years to come.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Salve Maria!
I am emailing to ask a question about young boys and their competitive nature.
I saw the post Should Boys with Feminine Tendencies be Corrected? in the Formation of Children and Youth section of your website and found it to be a very good explanation of the masculine virtues young boys should have. I also am taking the article The Training and Disciplining of Children very seriously and am doing my best to discipline my boys in line with these principles.
Normally, if I see my children hitting each other out of frustration (when one takes the toy of the other or makes fun of another), I discipline the hitting child with a slap on their hand and make them apologize. I believe the boys should be civilized in their play and control their lower instincts that always resort to hitting.
However, it dawned on me that I did not know when to allow them to get rough, if ever, when playing. They do like to wrestle and do light play hitting with punches just to tease each other which I am okay with but I often wonder if it is okay to let them actually fight each other to get their frustrations out to promote a masculine combativeness or if I should enforce a no-fighting rule except for combat sports that they can do as they get older. In this way, we can have a time and a place for such behavior but again I am not sure if this is the correct way to raise my boys and so I am asking for guidance.
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA Note to Readers:
Someone from our desk forwarded this question from Mr. N.B. to Miss C.P. in Ireland to know her opinion, since she was a traditionalist educator for girls and boys. She responded straight to him. We reproduced below her valuable opinion.
TIA correspondence desk
Dear N.B.,
Ave Maria Purissima !
TIA has forwarded your email to me for comments, and I am delighted to let you have my thoughts.
I think you handled the situation you described excellently. It seems it was a case of bullying, and bullying must never go unpunished. In general, boys should be given every encouragement to be competitive. It is they who, as men, will be responsible for leading the family and providing for them. Competition is very much a part of life, and they need to understand this.
Sport is an excellent way of training them in this regard and also strengthening character. You are fortunate in the United States to have many manly sports which are both competitive and involve physical contact so your boys will please God, have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the camaraderie of team sports.
I would always stress that violence should never be a first resort and stress the need for working through disagreements with reason and debate and compromise. Compromise only where Faith and morals are not involved. I would also teach boys that they should stand up to any bullying and meet fire with fire. Fighting in self defense is perfectly valid.
For example, when your boys are a little older, if some other boy attacks them, they should fight back, rather than coming home and telling you or their mother. By all means they should tell you what happened but give them the license to take care of the situation as they see fit. Fighting is a natural part of being a boy and later a man. It will be young men who will be called to defend your country in times to come. It was young men who defended it in years gone by. We must never attempt to curb that natural instinct in boys. Our Church has always promoted the idea of the “just war” and this is very much valid today.
I taught for a few years in a school of the De La Salle Brothers. One day a fight broke out in the yard between two boys. A large group of boys surrounded them cheering for one or the other. I was about to rush out to end it when a Brother told me to wait awhile.
Of course, I did as I was told and after a few minutes Brother went into the yard, separated the two combatants and marched them into the classroom. There, he gave them each 6 slaps with a fine hard thick leather strap. The two returned to the yard the best of friends, comparing the state of their by now, red and swollen palms. Both were heroes in the eyes of their schoolmates. I learned a lesson that day that boys and girls must be treated very differently.
God bless you, N.B., I wish you every success in rearing your children and I will pray for you and your wife. I am sure you are on the right track and your children will thank you for this in years to come.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Posted February 4, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Were the Organ Pieces at Notre Dame Reopening Masonic?
Wow! That was a great article on Notre Dame’s reopening organ pieces.
It sounds like it was screeches to inflame the savage beast. It is definitely Masonic and not divinely inspired. Sort of like screams from a very dark place.
Very well researched and written.
Hope the “musicians” go deaf.