What People are Commenting
Papal Office, Deserters & Bombing Churches
What Counts Is the Office
Re: Chicago priest blesses ‘gay wedding’
One of the most incoherent things I've seen in some traditional clerical institutions is that pusillanimous and hypocritical way of refusing to call Pope Francis a heretic.
Some of those institutions use the most nonsensical and piffling phrases in order to justify the impossibility of applying that word to him: “He's leaning to heresy" "he's inclined to heresy” “he's surrounded by heresy”
Nonsense! HE IS A HERETIC!
Now, is he still a Pope? Yes, because the Papacy is not like the state of grace that you lose if you commit a sin, but rather is an OFFICE (in fact, it's called "The Petrine Office") and... at the end... that's what makes someone a Pope: the Office in which he was confirmed by the Church of Rome.
That's why it is also nonsensical that idea of having Benedict XVI as Pope because “he only resigned the ‘munus’ and not the ‘ministerium”... That's the stupidest thing someone can say because IT DOESN'T MATTER if he didn't resign the ministerium, the Bavarian Beer club or the Association of Jewish Descendants... The only thing that matters is that he resigned HIS OFFICE as a Pope.
Now, why am I mentioning these things in relation to this topic? Well, besides the many, many heresies that Francis boldly had said... you know, the famous "there is not a Catholic God" "this is (showing a miniature of the Stations of the Cross) the history of God's failure" and... last but not least... "all religions are ways to heaven"... the morality isn't totally separated from the doctrine...
In systematic theology (and for academic purposes) we study both as separate areas, but morality as the application of doctrinal principles to the daily life is an expression and manifestation of the faith (or lack of it) of someone. So... it's not less important in order to determine the degree of doctrinal fidelity of any person.
As the Latin saying goes: "Amore, more, ore, re, probantur amicitiae" (by love, by behavior, by speech, and by deed, friendship [towards God] is proved).
Fr. P.A.N.
Re: Chicago priest blesses ‘gay wedding’
One of the most incoherent things I've seen in some traditional clerical institutions is that pusillanimous and hypocritical way of refusing to call Pope Francis a heretic.
Some of those institutions use the most nonsensical and piffling phrases in order to justify the impossibility of applying that word to him: “He's leaning to heresy" "he's inclined to heresy” “he's surrounded by heresy”
Nonsense! HE IS A HERETIC!
Now, is he still a Pope? Yes, because the Papacy is not like the state of grace that you lose if you commit a sin, but rather is an OFFICE (in fact, it's called "The Petrine Office") and... at the end... that's what makes someone a Pope: the Office in which he was confirmed by the Church of Rome.
That's why it is also nonsensical that idea of having Benedict XVI as Pope because “he only resigned the ‘munus’ and not the ‘ministerium”... That's the stupidest thing someone can say because IT DOESN'T MATTER if he didn't resign the ministerium, the Bavarian Beer club or the Association of Jewish Descendants... The only thing that matters is that he resigned HIS OFFICE as a Pope.
Now, why am I mentioning these things in relation to this topic? Well, besides the many, many heresies that Francis boldly had said... you know, the famous "there is not a Catholic God" "this is (showing a miniature of the Stations of the Cross) the history of God's failure" and... last but not least... "all religions are ways to heaven"... the morality isn't totally separated from the doctrine...
In systematic theology (and for academic purposes) we study both as separate areas, but morality as the application of doctrinal principles to the daily life is an expression and manifestation of the faith (or lack of it) of someone. So... it's not less important in order to determine the degree of doctrinal fidelity of any person.
As the Latin saying goes: "Amore, more, ore, re, probantur amicitiae" (by love, by behavior, by speech, and by deed, friendship [towards God] is proved).
Fr. P.A.N.
Stacking the Deck
The Pope created 21 new cardinals; fully 20 of the men named are under the age of 80 and would be eligible to enter a conclave to elect a pope.
If a conclave were held in December and no cardinal elector dies before then, almost 79% of the cardinals entering the Sistine Chapel would be clerics given their red hats by Pope Francis.
It is also true that 100% of the cardinals who entered the conclave in 2013 were named cardinals by John Paul II or Pope Benedict XVI, which tells us how progressivist they were, since they elected Pope Francis.
The Pope created 21 new cardinals; fully 20 of the men named are under the age of 80 and would be eligible to enter a conclave to elect a pope.
If a conclave were held in December and no cardinal elector dies before then, almost 79% of the cardinals entering the Sistine Chapel would be clerics given their red hats by Pope Francis.
It is also true that 100% of the cardinals who entered the conclave in 2013 were named cardinals by John Paul II or Pope Benedict XVI, which tells us how progressivist they were, since they elected Pope Francis.
North Korean Deserters
New reports are saying that North Korea is sending 10,000 troops to Russia to fight Ukrainians.
Seems it is not going so well. Newsweek reports that some North Korean soldiers are believed to have `already deserted the Russian frontline, with Kremlin fighters reportedly searching for them.
Russia is denying using North Korean troops for the Ukraine war, but these are major outlets reporting otherwise.
Again, you can depend on communists to lie, and the naive West to believe the lies, most of the time.
New reports are saying that North Korea is sending 10,000 troops to Russia to fight Ukrainians.
Seems it is not going so well. Newsweek reports that some North Korean soldiers are believed to have `already deserted the Russian frontline, with Kremlin fighters reportedly searching for them.
Russia is denying using North Korean troops for the Ukraine war, but these are major outlets reporting otherwise.
Again, you can depend on communists to lie, and the naive West to believe the lies, most of the time.
Preparing for Civil War?
Dear TIA,
The coming presidential election may well be the opportunity the Deep State is awaiting to throw our country into a civil war. Indeed, if Trump wins the Deep State likely will change the results once again, and declare Kamala president. This cannot be accepted by the majority of Americans. If Trump is declared the winner, the left may well start a general insurrection meant to break any constituted order.
If a civil war starts here, a good part of Latin America will follow suit since many countries there have also had rigged elections and presidents who are known communists.
Check the article below, which seems to me to reveal that the Biden government is making its last preparations for what seems to be coming.
DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans
Greg Reese
October 18, 2024 – Government officials are threatening to not certify a Trump 2024 win
Effective on September 27th, 2024, DoD Directive 5240.01, states in section three-point-three, that “Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger”
Authorization for lethal force simply requires the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and would provide, “Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.”
This could include another protest over rigged elections, or another fake pandemic.
It is important to remember that the military follows orders. The US Army Delta Force, who were involved with murdering American women and children at Waco, were all in with helping the Justice Department in going after protesters during the W.T.O. protests in Seattle.
Joe Biden says he expects violence after the election. And he recently extended the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, to continue beyond the 2024 election, “with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.”
The coming presidential election may well be the opportunity the Deep State is awaiting to throw our country into a civil war. Indeed, if Trump wins the Deep State likely will change the results once again, and declare Kamala president. This cannot be accepted by the majority of Americans. If Trump is declared the winner, the left may well start a general insurrection meant to break any constituted order.
If a civil war starts here, a good part of Latin America will follow suit since many countries there have also had rigged elections and presidents who are known communists.
Check the article below, which seems to me to reveal that the Biden government is making its last preparations for what seems to be coming.
Greg Reese
October 18, 2024 – Government officials are threatening to not certify a Trump 2024 win
Effective on September 27th, 2024, DoD Directive 5240.01, states in section three-point-three, that “Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger”
Authorization for lethal force simply requires the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and would provide, “Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.”
This could include another protest over rigged elections, or another fake pandemic.
It is important to remember that the military follows orders. The US Army Delta Force, who were involved with murdering American women and children at Waco, were all in with helping the Justice Department in going after protesters during the W.T.O. protests in Seattle.
Joe Biden says he expects violence after the election. And he recently extended the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, to continue beyond the 2024 election, “with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.”
Israel Bombing Catholic Churches in Lebanon
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria,
Today I discovered news that Israel appears to be targeting specifically Catholics in Lebanon.
Please read below:

Salve Maria,
Today I discovered news that Israel appears to be targeting specifically Catholics in Lebanon.
Please read below:
- Israel targets a church in Derdghaya:
“A church of the Melkite Greek Catholic Eparchy of Tyre, Lebanon, was hit by a missile from Israeli airstrikes in the country’s south Oct. 9, killing at least eight people, the British branch of the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has reported. Local sources told ACN that the church, located in the town of Derdghaya, was sheltering people displaced by the conflict. A priest’s house and a three-story building housing parish offices were also completely destroyed by another missile.”
Check here
- Targeting residential areas in Zahle:
A few days ago, Israel attacked the Al Karak district in the city of Zahle. Zahle, the city where my father lived since he was about 10 or 11 (he had to leave in his 20s, because of the civil war there in the 1970s), is predominantly Catholic (probably Maronite and Melkite). … It appears to be considered Lebanon’s most Christian (aka Catholic) city, and pictures of the town show the healthy influence of Catholic civilization, which are a stark comparison to the predominantly Muslim towns nearby (even secular news outlets point out how Zahle is very clean compared to other towns).
A very large statue of Our Lady watches over the city, which my father says has saved the city miraculously a number of times from Syrian attacks (at that time, Syria was at war with Lebanon).
Now, Israel made an airstrike in a residential area of Zahle, called Al Karak. The fact that this is a Catholic town, that a residential area was targeted, and that Hezbollah do not appear to be active there are all signs that Israel specifically targeted that area because of its Faith.
“Al Mayadeen's correspondent in Bekaa confirmed on Thursday that nine people were killed and 15 others were injured in the Israeli strike on residential buildings in al-Karak, Zahle.”
If these reports are true and reliable, then it seems, as religious Judaism has always done, that Israel will use any pretense and opportunity to persecute Catholics, and that its goal is not defense, but complete domination of that whole region no matter what the cost.
Check here and here

Posted October 22, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Pope Meets Four American Transwomen
I'm proud to say, I wasn't sure what a trans woman was. A guy pretending to be a woman or vice versa? Now, unfortunately I know.
The article says they are over 60. Here's a hint, if someone looks like they could throw you through the wall, they are probably men. All of these fit the bill. Their poor wives.
And Jorge, I'm very angry but I worry about his approaching judgment.